Toxocara Cati Eggs In The Soil Passed By Cats Affected The Occurrence Of Zoonoses In Humans


  • Naufal Faris Irfandio University of Muhammadiyah Malang
  • Soebaktiningsih Soebaktiningsih University of Muhammadiyah Malang
  • Thontowi Djauhari N Subchi University of Muhammadiyah Malang



Background: Toxocara cati belong to STH (Soil Trasmitted Helminth) worm, soil media is needed for the development of eggs to be an infective form. When a cat is infected with Toxocara cati, the disease is called Toxocariasis. Year 2018 in the world, the prevalence of Toxocara spp. eggs on beaches, parks, and playgrounds were 21%, while the prevalence of cats infected with Toxocariasis in Surabaya is 60.9%. Toxocariasis caused by Toxocara cati requires more attention because the high environmental contamination and infected cats. If humans accidentally ingest infective eggs Toxocara cati, human will suffer zoonosis. Toxocara cati eggs cannot become adults but remain in the larval stage, attached in human organs causing Visceral Larva Migrans (VLM), Ocular Larva Migrans (OLM), and Neurotoxocariasis (NT).

Objective: To determine Toxocara cati eggs in the soil that frequently passed by cats can cause zoonoses in humans.

Methods: Literature review by taking libraries 30 journals and 4 textbooks national journals accredited  sinta and good published international journals more than year 2015.

Results: The results of literature review showed that Toxocara cati eggs on the soil that frequently passed by cats cause zoonoses in humans.

Conclusion: Toxocara cati in the soil that frequently passed by cats can cause zoonoses in humans


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