
  • Dice Trian Ardila



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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara store image  dan loyalitas konsumen.Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif. Tempatnya dilakukan di toko busana Mayang Collection. Subjek penelitian adalah 62 yang terpilih berdasarkan teknik insidental sampling. Metode pengumpulan data dengan menggunkan skala store image dan loyalitas konsumen.Dari penelitian yang telah dilakukan diperoleh r=0,653 dengan nilai probabilitas kesalahan (p)=0,000 yang berarti hubungan positif antara store image dengan loyalitas konsumen, dimana semakin positif store image konsumen maka akan semakin tinggi pula loyalitas konsumen. Sebaliknya semakin negatifstore image konsumen maka akan semakin rendah pula loyalitas konsumen. Adapun koefisien determinan variabel (r²)store image dengan loyalitas konsumen adalah sebesar 0,426. Dengan demikian sumbangan efektif dari store image dengan loyalitas konsumen adalah sebesar 42,6%, sedangkan sisanya sebesar 57,4% dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain yang tidak diteliti dalam penelitian ini yaitu value atau nilai (harga dan kualitas),  convenience and Availabity (kenyamanan dan kemudahan), satisfaction (kepuasan), service (pelayanan), guarantee or warranty (garansi atau perbaikan produk).


Kata kunci: Store image, Loyalitas konsumen



This research aimed to know relation between store image and consumer loyality.This research is quantitative research. Place of research is done in cloth shop Mayang Collection and done during two weeks. In this research research subject is 62 chosen Mayang Collection cloth shop consumers based on technique insidental sampling. This research done by propagating two scales, which is scale store image and consumer loyality.From research which has been done obtained r=0,653 with mistake probability value (p)=0,000 is meaning positive relationship between store image with consumer loyality, where increasingly positive store image consumer hence excelsior would also consumer loyality. On the contrary increasingly negativity store image consumer hence would increasingly low also consumer loyality. As for variable determinant coefficient (r²) store image with consumer loyality is 0,426. Thereby effective contribution from store image with consumer loyality is equal to 42,6%, while the rest equal to 57,4% influenced by other variable of which is not checked in this research that is the price and quality, convenience and Availabity, satisfaction, service, guarantee or warranty.


Keyword: Store image, Consumer loyality


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How to Cite

Trian Ardila, D. (2024). STORE IMAGE DENGAN LOYALITAS KONSUMEN. Cognicia, 1(1).


