
  • Nurkholis .




Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif, dengan 1 subjek . Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara. Analisa data yang digunakan adalah analisa data kualitatif, kemudian uji keabsahan datanya menggunakan teknik triangulasi yaitu triangulasi sumber yaitu teman dekat subjek. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa : (1) Faktor internal meliputi : (a) Persepsi subjek, dimana subjek berfikir tidak akan hamil jika berpacaran dengan sesama perempuan, (b) Dorongan-dorongan atau kecendrungan penyuka sesama jenis yang sudah ada dalam diri subjek, (c) Adanya kontrol diri yang lemah, dimana subjek selalu terpengaruh keinginan-keinginan (ego) nya sendiri. (2) Faktor eksternal yang meliputi : (a) Adanya proses modeling dari perempuan yang berperilaku dan berpenampilan maskulin, (b) Adanya pengalaman buruk yang dialami subjek, yaitu ejekan dari teman-teman subjek sewaktu SMA, (c) Sikap ayah yang terkesan membiarkan perilaku subjek, walaupun sebenarnya ayah subjek tahu tentang perilakunya tersebut (Reinforcement positif), (d) Adanya pengalaman yang kurang menyenangkan terhadap lawan jenis  (e) Adanya dukungan dari lingkungan sosial (Reinforcement positif), yaitu subjek pernah ikut dalam suatu oeganisasi atau komunitas lesbian.


Kata kunci: Faktor-faktor psikologis, Lesbian.


This research is qualitatif descriptive study, with 1 subjects who has sexual deviation “lesbian”. Data collection methods used were interviews. Analysis of the data used is the analysis of qualitatif data, and then test the validity of the data using triangulation techniques, namely the source of a close friend of the subject.The results showed that the factors underlying a lesbian that internal factors which include (1) The perception of the subject : (a) The subject is thinking will not get pregnant if she is dating other women, (b) Impulses or tendencies sex enthusiasts are already present in thesubject, (c) The existence of a weak self –control, which the subject is always affected by her own desires. (2) External factors which include : (a) The process of modeling the behavior of women and masculine look, (b) The existence of bad experiences suffered by the subject is in the form of ridicule from her friends during senior high school, (c) Her father attitude that seemed to let the behavior of subjects despite the fact that the subject’s father know about lesbian behavior (positive reinforcement), (d) The existence of her an unpleasant experience with the opposite sex, (e) The support of the social environment (positive reinforcement) that is the subject of ever joining a community organization or a lesbian.


Keywords: Psychological factors, Lesbian.


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How to Cite

., N. (2024). FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG MELATARBELAKANGI LESBIAN DAN KONDISI PSIKOLOGISNYA. Cognicia, 1(1). https://doi.org/10.22219/cognicia.v1i1.1453


