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Catur Budi Prayitno
Khusnul Khotimah


Catur Budi Prayitno 1 & Khusnul Khotimah2
1 Mahasiswa & 2Staf Pengajar Jurusan Produksi Ternak, Fakultas Pertanian Peternakan,
Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
Alamat Korespondensi : Jln. Terusan Siguragura c/4 Malang


Dairy farms in this region are the type of people that still is conventional, with the ownership
of dairy cows and the hereditary possession of the scale of 1-5 tail, only about 2% of the ownership
scale possess more than 5 individuals. The results are expected to use the data for a policy in the
development of dairy cattle in the future to related parties (Department of Animal Husbandry) and
who needs it. The research method used was a survey, by means of direct interviews with respondents
to the questionnaire reference to primary data, and supporting data from relevant agencies (KUBE
PSP Forward Steady and Pecan Village Office) as supporting data or secondary data.
The results of this study reported that 72% of villagers Pecan livelihood as dairy farmers, 47%
of dairy farmers in the village are in the productive age Pecan 26-45 years, but the level of the
average dairy cow ownership of selected samples only 1-2 tail. Rerta milk production of each parent
about 7.9 liters per day, the quality of the milk produced has memmenuhi ISO standard, the average
fat content of 3.5 and above and protein 2.5 and above, whereas about 11% TS .. The success rate
of AI (Artificial Insemination) in the category of fairly good at around 67%. Constraints in dairy
cattle breeding is limited to the amount of water and forage in the dry season were replaced with the
addition konsntrat and sugarcane shoots, so it becomes a problem in the decline in the quality and
milk production.
The conclusion of this is penlitian Pecan Village is a central area of dairy cows in the Jabung,
East Malang msih farm business is conventional, but it is the principal source of income is not a
sideline business, because almost 70% of the population depends perahnya cattle business in meeting
soial economic needs. Suggestions to consider is the need for attention from stakeholders especially
local governments, related facilities and infrastructure development related livestock water facilities
and scale of livestock ownership for farmers to increase the welfare of the people as well as a touch
of food technology for continuous availability.


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