Korelasi Antara Penambahan Aspal Minyak Pada Campuran Perkerasan Aspal Beton Hasil Daur Ulang Terhadap Karakteristik Marshall
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Korelasi Antara Penambahan Aspal Minyak Pada Campuran Perkerasan Aspal Beton Hasil Daur Ulang Terhadap Karakteristik Marshall
Alik Ansyori Alamsyah
Staf Pengajar Jurusan Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik
Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
Email: alik.syah@yahoo.com
Improved road by adding extra layers of constant thickness will result in increasingly thick layers of pavement and materials needed thining. Treatment with pavement recycling technologies (recycling) is an alternative to overcome this problem because it has several advantages such as to restore power and maintain the geometric road pavement and overcome dependence on new material. Recycling processed and supported by adequate equipment will produce a mixture that can offset the value structure of the mixture. The addition of new materials and or additional materials in the former material scratching the old pavement is one alternative to increase the carrying capacity of ex-scratching material.
Research conducted at the Laboratory of Highway Muhammadiyah University of Malang. The quality of asphalt concrete recycled with the addition of new asphalt can be known through the Marshall test results (stability, flow plastically, the results for the marshall, and the cavity in the mix). The binder used was 60/70 penetration bitumen with each variation with the addition of 0.5%, 1%, 1.5%, 2%, and 2.5%. From the result showed that the addition of new asphalt on a mixture of recycled asphalt to improve the power tie. Optimum asphalt content based on the value of stability, flow, and Marshall Quotient amounted to 7.25% of the total weight of the mixture, then there was an increase of 0.45% asphalt needs of optimum asphalt content of 6.8%.
Keywords : Marshall stability, recycling, asphalt.