creative industry, cognitive assetAbstract
Bambang Yudi Ariadi
Staf Pengajar Jurusan Agrobisnis, Fakultas Pertanian Peternakan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
Alamat Korespondensi : Bumiasri Sengkaling Blok N No. 26 Malang
Telpon : 0341 460865, Hp: 08123317597, Email:
The final objective of the research was to evaluate resources to find scientific capital of method
of developing creative industry on agricultural product. The research aimed to: 1) Describe the role
of leadership at creative industry; 2) Describe the innovation, creativity and imagine of the entrepreneur
in managing creative industry; and 3) Arrange method of developing creative industry on agricultural
product. The research was conducted in Malang, while the subjects were entrepreneurs of creative
industries who use agricultural product as row material. The data collected was analyzed by qualitative
descriptive method. The research result showed that: 1) The main asset of creative industry was
creativity asset or kognitive asset, namely: design, emphaty, game, and meaning.; 2) The important
indicator that determine success in conducting creative industry was the ability of the entreprreneur
in adaptation in term of technical, economical and the risk or uncertainty of market
Key words: creative industry, cognitive asset