Persepsi Mahasiswa PGSD Terhadap Program Unggulan Untuk Menjadi Lulusan Yang Mampu Mengelola Pembelajaran di Sekolah Inklusi


  • Ichsan Anshory


Perception of Students, School Inclusion


Persepsi Mahasiswa PGSD Terhadap Program Unggulan Untuk Menjadi Lulusan Yang Mampu
Mengelola Pembelajaran di Sekolah Inklusi

Ichsan Anshory

Staf Pengajar Jurusan Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar,
Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang


Children with special needs (ABK) was originally better known as disabled children, children with disabilities or exceptional children. Exceptional children are defined as children who deviate significantly from the normal criteria, either from physical, psychological, emotional and social development so that it is necessary to develop the potential of special education services. In Indonesia so far, educational for the crew is provided  in three different educational institutions, the School of disability (SLB), Outstanding Primary Schools  (SDLB), and Integrated Education. SLB, but the latest development the government rolled out a new program that is inclusive education. Through inclusive education, special needs children are educated together normal children in regular schools
ABK  include inclusive  education  for learning, together with normal children  in public schools and become part of the school community, together in one classroom with regular school students to create a conducive learning atmosphere. With this education program is expected to be able to open the way to the  talent and potential of every individual, and optimal personal development of learners. Conditions in the  field, teachers in regular schools are not trained specifically to deal with students with special needs. During this inclusive schools get teacher assistance from SLB-SLB around. Fore inclusive education program requires changes in teacher education in both the pre-job education and training when it’s served. Training  initiatives are needed to prove that an inclusive and responsive education does not depend on the level of material resources is higher.
That’s what this study aims to determine the “Student Perceptions of the Program PGSD Leading to Being Able to Manage Learning Graduates of the School Inclusion”. These objectives are intended to answer some research issues: (1) What is the perception, knowledge and attitudes about inclusive education  PGSD Students and handling ABK? (2) Do students have terbekali PGSD  with  subjects  that  are  presented  in  the  curriculum  in  PGSD?  (3)  what  constraints experienced by students as well as the efforts made in  preparing the pre-eminent department PGSD based inclusions (5) what the actual competencies required to  manage the MHS PGSD learning in inclusive schools.

Keyword : Perception of Students, School Inclusion


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