ANALISIS PERUBAHAN LINGKUNGAN TERHADAP KOMPETENSI USAHA (Studi pada Pengusaha Makanan dan Minuman Skala Kecil dan Menengah di Kabupaten Malang dan Pasuruan)
This Research aims to test and analysis environmental change influence of effort covering environmentfar, industrial environment and the internal environment, either through together and also by partial over
effort competence on food and beverage entrepreneur middle and small scale in Malang and Pasuruan.
Samples used for this research are 60 entrepreneurs with maximal capital criterion 200 million and the
effort walk to minimize 5 year. The analysis data is conducted through inferential statistical test and test
regression weight/loading factor.
The results of research indicate that there are positive influence and significant between effort
environmental variable over effort competence. Direct effect equal to 0.278, indirect effect equal to 0.663 and
totally equal to 0.941
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