Journal of Islamic Economics Development and Innovation (JIEDI) <table width="650"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="438"> <p><strong><em>Journal of Islamic Economics Development and Innovation (JIEDI)</em></strong> is a scientific journal that serves as a means of developing intellectual lecturers and academics of Islamic economic activists. This journal was published by the Laboratory of Islamic Economics Development, Department of Islamic Economics, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang. This is published in <strong>20</strong><strong>21</strong><strong> and regularly publishes an article three times a year in September, January, and May.<br /></strong></p> <p>All articles submitted will be subject to a review process and the results of the review will be published after obtaining approval from the reviewers. this journal is strongly opposes plagiarism by tracking the level of plagiarism of the manuscript submitted. All published articles can be accessed publicly online and are free to download. The authors have no obligation to pay, whether to submit, processing, or publication of articles.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang en-US Journal of Islamic Economics Development and Innovation (JIEDI) Peran Unit Simpan Pinjam dan Pembiayaan Syariah BMT Sunan Drajat dalam Meningkatkan Kesejahteraan <p>This study aims to determine the role of the Savings and Loans and Sharia Financing Unit (USPPS) of BMT Sunan Drajat in improving the welfare of fishermen in Tunggul Village, Paciran Lamongan District. in this study using qualitative methods with a case study approach. sources of data obtained through primary data and secondary data, for data collection using observation, interviews, documentation, and literacy sources. Data analysis techniques use data collection, data condensation, data display, and drawing conclusions, to check the validity of the data using source triangulation techniques, theory and time techniques. The results of this study indicate that the role of USPPS BMT Sunan Drajat has three roles from Soemitra's theory: (1) BMT contributes to providing capital for MSMEs. In the provision of capital funds, there are various types of financing agreements, including: Working Capital (Mudharabah), Sale and Purchase (Murabahah), Pawn (Rahn), and Qardh; (2) Releasing dependence on moneylenders to avoid elements of usury; (3) Maintain social economic justice with equity. Equal distribution of income for various types of fishermen and fishermen's catches.</p> Sulfia Kurniawati Muslikhati Muslikhati Arif Luqman Hakim Copyright (c) 2023 Sulfia Kurniawati, Muslikhati Muslikhati , Arif Luqman Hakim 2023-09-02 2023-09-02 3 1 001 013 Pengaruh Biaya Operasional Pendapatan Operasional, NonPerforming Financing, Pembiayaan Bagi Hasil, Dan Net Imbalan Terhadap Laba Bersih <p style="font-weight: 400;"><em>The purpose of this study is to analyze and examine the effect of Operational Cost Opearting Income (BOPO), non performing financing, profit sharing financing, and net profits to the Bank Muamalat Indonesia’s net profit for the last 10 years (2012-2021) either partially or simultaneously. This research data uses secondary data in the form of quarterly financial reports of Bank Muamalat Indonesia with sample size&nbsp; 40 period. This type of research is quantitative using an associative approach. The method used in this study is multiple linear regression analysis with net income as the dependent variable, and BOPO, NPF, PBH, and NI as independent variables. The results of this study indicate that Non-Performing Financing (NPF) and Profit-Sharing Financing (PBH) partially have no significant effect on net income, but the variables of Operational Income Operating Costs (BOPO) and Net balance (NI) have a significant effect on Bank Muamalat Indonesia's net income. Based on the coefficient of determination's analysis, BOPO NPF PBH and NI are 86.8% simultaneously effected to the net income.</em></p> Vanisya Afra Hardiningrum Fadilla Muhammad Mahdi Sri Cahyaning Umi Salama Mochamad Novi Rifa'i Copyright (c) 2023 Vanisya Afra Hardiningrum, Fadilla Muhammad Mahdi, Sri Cahyaning Umi Salama, Mochamad Novi Rifa'i 2023-09-05 2023-09-05 3 1 014 027 Strategi Pemasaran Islami Pada Intan Rizky Bahri (IRB) Tahu Bakso Di Kota Malang <p>This study aims to describe and determine the application of SWOT analysis (strength, weakness, opportunities, treats) on IRB meatball tofu in Malang City; and Islamic marketing strategy that has been carried out by IRB meatball tofu in Malang City. Researchers chose field research with the type of qualitative research. The researcher chose the location of his research at IRB meatball tofu, which had an address at Jl. Joyo Tambak Sari, No.96, Lowokwaru District, Malang City. The data sources consist of primary and secondary. Data collection by interview, documentation, and direct observation at IRB meatball tofu in Malang City. While the data analysis technique consists of qualitative analysis, external environmental analysis, and SWOT analysis. The results of this study indicate that (1) The application of SWOT analysis to IRB meatball tofu in Malang, namely: (a) strong, which has been carried out by IRB Tofu Bakso Malang City lies in the product and service at customers can be said to be good; (b) weakness, which has been done by IRB meatball tofu Malang City lay in the product that cannot last more than one day; (c) opportunity, which has been done by IRB meatball tofu Malang City lies in pricing that can be reached by all elements of society; and (d) treath, which has been done by IRB meatball tofu Malang City which is felt due to the increasing number of business competitors tofu meatballs that damage the market price; and (2) the Islamic marketing strategy carried out by IRB meatball tofu Malang City has been in accordance with the ethics and business principles practiced by the Prophet Muhammad, among others are as follows: (a) honesty: paying attention to any set price and feasibility meatball tofu; (b) mandate: excellent service, where when there is an order, they immediately send it according to the order; (c) smart: product marketing is expanding, to get more customers and consumers; (d) communicative: maintaining communication with customers and politely in delivery; (e) occupy a promise: pay attention to the time taken to deliver the product that has been mutually agreed between us and the customer; (f) net of usury: not taking excessive profits; and (g) not reducing the scale: no longer selling tofu meatballs that are no longer suitable for consumption, avoiding gharar and not hoarding goods.</p> Fauziah Intan Rizky Bahri Rahmad Hakim Sri Budi Cantika Yuli Copyright (c) 2023 Fauziah Intan Rizky Bahri, Rahmad Hakim, Sri Budi Cantika Yuli 2023-09-05 2023-09-05 3 1 028 040