
  • Setu Setyawan Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang



Financial Statements, Fiscal Capacity, Local Governments, Regional Fiscal Ability, Website


This research aims to analyze the relationship between the fiscal capacity of district and city governments in East Java Province with uploading on the website. This research is important to find out the extent to which the Government needs to provide public information that can be accessed by the public and stakeholders, and the existence of transparency that provides a positive image for the government. This type of research is associative research. The population in this study were all-district / city local governments in East Java with a focus on 2017. Based on the criteria determined in the sample selection using purposive sampling techniques, there were 36 local governments used in the study. Research results show that the amount of wealth owned by local governments does not encourage local governments to disclose financial statements on local government websites. While local governments with high levels of leverage tend to cover their financial statements. This can be due to the higher leverage, the lower the funding obtained from creditors. The high level of leverage that is owned by local governments makes creditors will rethink in lending funds because it takes into account the ability to pay long-term obligations. In addition, the use of high debt as a source of regional financing can signal a negative performance of local governments.


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