Evaluasi Manajemen Risiko Proyek Konstruksi Terhadap Biaya Operasional Proyek Menggunakan Metode AHP


  • Salsabila Aufa Syahrani Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Indonesia, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
  • Vera Diyanty Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Indonesia, Jawa Barat, Indonesia




Analytical Hierarchy Process, Construction Projects, Risk Management Assessment, Risk Management Evaluation


Purpose: This study aims to evaluate the risk management of the PT X project in order to reduce the impact of project operational cost overruns. Inherent risk during project implementation at PT X has been managed by implementing risk management referring to ISO 31000:2018. However, there are changes in risks that arise during the implementation of construction projects which cause changes in the risk profile.

Methodology/Approach: The uniqueness of this research is a case study with a mixed-method approach which is analyzed using the AHP method.

Findings: The results of this study state that there are seven project risk factors consisting of quality risk, economic and financial risk, technical risk, OSH risk, social risk, non-technical risk, and human resource risk. The seven factors are divided into 21 sub-factors of project risk at PT X.

Practical and Theoretical Contribution/Originality: This article contributes to the updating of the relevant risk assessments in the project.

Research Limitation: The limitation of this research is that the scope is only the risk management of the project implementation phase.


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