Utilization of plastic waste into garden decoration using ecobrick techniques
Community empowerment, Eco-brick , Waste utilizationAbstract
Plastic waste which is dangerous and difficult to manage is still one of the factors causing environmental damage which is still a big problem for the people of Indonesia. Depok City has a fairly chronic problem in terms of solid waste. This study aims to determine the relationship between the level of public knowledge on the use of waste through the Eco-brick Technique in the management of plastic waste. Community service is carried out to provide facilitation with assistance and training on the dangers of plastic waste, as well as waste management through eco-brick techniques that have high utility value. The method of a community development program with a model of tutoring and empowering the communities, especially women in Cinangka District, Depok City. From the results of the community empowerment, it can be seen that community service activities through workshops and implementation of the use of plastic waste are useful for human daily life, in this case in the form of garden decorations. Some of the program targets/indicators are that the people of Cinangka Village, Depok City are able to apply eco-brick techniques in the creativity of building furniture for the needs of sleeping land that will be processed together into a functioning public space. People are starting to understand why we need eco-brick and making eco-brick can be used as garden decorations that are used as an alternative solution to the use of a lot of plastic waste through creative community empowerment activities.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Ridwan Akbar, Reny Nurhasana, Chotib Hasan, Rizqita Oktorini, Dhaneswara N. Indrajoga, Utoyo Harjito, Redidzia Hernandi, Dyah N. Ratnasari, Astri Hanna Grace Waruwu, Imam Budi Hartono

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