Enriching of society’s understanding of command-oriented leadership through an interactive virtual discussion


  • Mirad Fahri Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Military Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Republic of Indonesia Defense University, Indonesia
  • Elva Stiawan Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Military Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Republic of Indonesia Defense University, Indonesia
  • Dita Ariyanti Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Military Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Republic of Indonesia Defense University, Indonesia
  • Rahmat Basuki Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Military Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Republic of Indonesia Defense University, Indonesia
  • Yusuf Bramastya Apriliyanto Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Military Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Republic of Indonesia Defense University, Indonesia
  • Anggi Khairina Hanum Hasibuan Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Military Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Republic of Indonesia Defense University, Indonesia
  • Tedi Kurniadi Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Military Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Republic of Indonesia Defense University, Indonesia
  • M. Sulthon Nurharmansyah Putra Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Military Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Republic of Indonesia Defense University, Indonesia
  • Dewi Septaningsih Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Military Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Republic of Indonesia Defense University, Indonesia
  • Sekar Ilma Tiarani Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Military Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Republic of Indonesia Defense University, Indonesia
  • Ersha Mayori Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Military Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Republic of Indonesia Defense University, Indonesia
  • Regita Andriani Wiana Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Military Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Republic of Indonesia Defense University, Indonesia
  • Amalia Yunita Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Military Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Republic of Indonesia Defense University, Indonesia
  • Naufan Nurrosyid Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Military Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Republic of Indonesia Defense University, Indonesia
  • Agus Eko Prasojo Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Military Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Republic of Indonesia Defense University, Indonesia
  • Riyanti Putri Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Military Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Republic of Indonesia Defense University, Indonesia




National Defense, Defense Awareness, Virtual Learning, Leadership, Digital Platform


In the post-pandemic era, many interactive activities have been flexibly generated through virtual conditions. Accordingly, some problems could appear in terms of leadership, such as difficulties in maintaining the audience’s attention during the event. Thus, the utilization of a command-based leadership style that could straightforwardly maintain audience focus ought to be considered to be adopted. However, both the command-based leadership style and its prospective aspects have not been widely understood by society. This community service aims to deliver a proper understanding of the command-based leadership style through interactive virtual discussion between experts in teaching activities of defense-based science and society consisting of Indonesian teachers, high school students as well as academics. Statistical results of pre-test and post-test scores showed enhancement of the participants’ understanding of command-based leadership. Hopefully, some relevant aspects of their new perspective of command-based leadership can be properly adopted and effectively implemented to answer current challenges, such as in terms of managing people in virtual conditions. 


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How to Cite

Fahri, M., Stiawan, E., Ariyanti, D., Basuki, R., Apriliyanto, Y. B., Hasibuan, A. K. H., Kurniadi, T., Putra, M. S. N., Septaningsih, D., Tiarani, S. I., Mayori, E., Wiana, R. A., Yunita, A., Nurrosyid, N., Prasojo, A. E., & Putri, R. (2024). Enriching of society’s understanding of command-oriented leadership through an interactive virtual discussion. Journal of Community Service and Empowerment, 5(2), 422–428. https://doi.org/10.22219/jcse.v5i2.27961


