Training on making handwash Ag nanoparticle of Sesbania leaf extract for Fatayat NU


  • Wilda Amananti Politeknik Harapan Bersama, Indonesia
  • K. Kusnadi Politeknik Harapan Bersama, Indonesia
  • Meliyana Perwita Sari Politeknik Harapan Bersama, Indonesia
  • Nur Alfia Fatmawati Politeknik Harapan Bersama, Indonesia
  • Aldi Budi Riyanta Politeknik Harapan Bersama, Indonesia



Ag Nanoparticles , Fatayat NU, Handwash soap


In order to strengthen the skills and creativity of Fatayat Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) members, Handwash soap making training is a useful activity.  Soap making training can provide Fatayat NU members with the opportunity to acquire new skills. In this training, participants will learn various techniques and methods in making quality soap. This community service activity can also provide information and knowledge to Fatayat NU women about making Sesbania leaf extract nanoparticle handwash soap. Based on the evaluation results, it shows an increase in the knowledge of Fatayat NU about making handwash. With an increase in the average value of pretest results from 40 and posttest 75 This community service is an effective means of disseminating information and knowledge about hygiene, health, and the importance of washing hands with soap.


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2023-10-04 — Updated on 2023-10-04

How to Cite

Amananti, W., Kusnadi, K., Perwita Sari, M., Fatmawati, N. A., & Riyanta, A. B. (2023). Training on making handwash Ag nanoparticle of Sesbania leaf extract for Fatayat NU. Journal of Community Service and Empowerment, 4(3), 545–551.


