PPIM Sabah's admin performance: Smartphone App development for Indonesian students


  • H. Hariyady Department of Informatics, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, Indonesia
  • Nur Hayatin Department of Informatics, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, Indonesia




smartphone app, administrative performance, PPIM Sabah, Efficiency, Effectiveness


Persatuan Pelajar Indonesia Malaysia (PPMI)is a Malaysian Indonesian Students Association in Sabah, an organization that associates with Indonesian students studying at campuses in Sabah, Malaysia. Due to the lack of supporting human resources, technological support is needed to assist the activities and work of management in order to improve organizational services and administration. For this reason, we provide a solution through community service. This service seeks to create a smartphone application called "PPIM Sabah” to Enhance Administrative Performance." PPIM Sabah encounters challenges such as inefficiency in administrative procedures, obstacles in data accessibility, and inadequate utilization of technology for administrative duties. In order to tackle these issues, we suggest creating a smartphone application that will aid PPIM Sabah in effectively maintaining member information, coordinating and advertising events, and monitoring financial matters with greater efficiency. The suggested system encompasses crucial functionalities, including membership administration, event coordination, and financial oversight. The application is anticipated to enhance the efficiency and efficacy of PPIM Sabah's administration, diminish the time and exertion needed to perform administrative activities, and enhance the quality of services supplied to members. The proposed activity plan encompasses a comprehensive series of steps, including needs analysis, application design, development, testing, implementation, and evaluation. A group of computer science and software development specialists will collaborate closely with PPIM Sabah at every phase of the development process. By integrating this smartphone application, the PPIM Sabah's administrative efficiency can be greatly enhanced, resulting in concrete advantages for the organization and its members.


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How to Cite

Hariyady, H., & Hayatin, N. (2024). PPIM Sabah’s admin performance: Smartphone App development for Indonesian students. Journal of Community Service and Empowerment, 5(2), 336–345. https://doi.org/10.22219/jcse.v5i2.32701


