Journal of Community Service and Empowerment 2024-06-11T20:23:42+07:00 Husamah Open Journal Systems <div id="journalDescription-1" class="journalDescription"><hr /> <table class="data" width="100%" bgcolor="#f0f0f0"> <tbody> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Journal title</td> <td width="80%"><strong>Journal of Community Service and Empowerment</strong></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Initials</td> <td width="80%"><strong>jcse</strong></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Grade</td> <td width="80%"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Peringkat 3 (Sinta 3)</a> The Decree <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">No. 204/E/KPT/2022</a></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Frequency</td> <td width="80%">3 issues per year (April, August, and December)</td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">DOI</td> <td width="80%"><strong>prefix 10.22219 </strong>by <img src="" alt="" /> <strong><br /></strong></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Print ISSN</td> <td width="80%"> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2722-4244</a></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Online ISSN</td> <td width="80%"> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2722-5291</a></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Editor-in-chief</td> <td width="80%"><strong> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Assist. Prof. Dr. Fardini Sabilah</a></strong></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Handl. Editor</td> <td width="80%"><strong> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Assist. Prof. Dr. Husamah</a> &amp; <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Ahmad Fauzi</a></strong></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Man. Editor</td> <td width="80%"> <a href=";hl=id&amp;authuser=5" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>Nur Adeputra</strong></a></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Publisher</td> <td width="80%"> <a href=""><strong>Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang</strong></a></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Indexing</td> <td width="80%"><strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Sinta 3</a> l <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">DOAJ</a></strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> | <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">EBSCO </a></strong></a>| <strong><a href=";user=dsrQ9pEAAAAJ&amp;authuser=1&amp;scilu=&amp;scisig=AMD79ooAAAAAXmnmyYSc7qdgx73Tn1dtVeatRvQRDDM-&amp;gmla=AJsN-F68fKlQY6h-AtLM7t7xpsiq53SUMyOb55qxntCWrW9R1v2YPhmAzDib4JQRZpf_wXMv6votjUj3gv4kobiq69TtFW0DQe-mZbleClDvEogmCOfMJWEm6mdlNwZ3uT_zfGu_TPCG&amp;sciund=1717030303594505114" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Google Scholar </a>| <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Garuda</a> | <a href=";and_facet_source_title=jour.1389322" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Dimensions</a></strong></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <hr /> <p align="justify">Journal of Community Service and Empowerment is a peer-reviewed journal published by Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, Indonesia. It is in the national and international level that covers a lot of common problems or issues related to community services, development, strengthening, and empowerment.</p> <p align="justify">This journal accepts articles on <strong>research results</strong> in the fields of development, empowerment, and community strengthening <strong>and the results of activities</strong> <strong>or practical implementations</strong> of community service, empowerment, or strengthening that are problem-solving, comprehensive, meaningful, and sustainable, with clear goals. Various community service and empowerment activities must have novelty (have innovation and creativity) so that they do not just replicate the same activities in different places, have measurable results and impacts on society, and support the achievement of the goals set forth in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). SDGs are a global action plan agreed by world leaders, to end poverty, reduce inequality, and protect the environment. <a href=";utm_medium=GSR&amp;utm_content=US_UNDP_PaidSearch_Brand_English&amp;utm_campaign=CENTRAL&amp;c_src=CENTRAL&amp;c_src2=GSR&amp;gclid=EAIaIQobChMIq7D0ssG08gIVvJpmAh1DZwYLEAAYASAAEgIc9_D_BwE" target="_blank" rel="noopener">The SDGs contain 17 Goals and 169 Targets,</a> so that each article must be linked to these goals and targets (as stated in the contribution statement). Therefore, the Journal of Community Service and Empowerment accepts the articles from Indonesian authors and other countries that have not been offered for publication elsewhere.</p> <p align="justify">The first issued in April 2020, the Journal of Community Service and Empowerment publishes the new editions <strong>three times per year. </strong>Journal of Community Service and Empowerment has published both printed (book) and electronic (PDF) versions.</p> </div> The strength of Muhammadiyah's existence in the modern era: Pillars of empowerment and community strengthening 2024-05-06T15:21:34+07:00 Wahyu Prihanta Moh. Nurhakim Saiful Amien <p><em>A study regarding the role of Muhammadiyah in the pillars of community empowerment and strengthening needs to be carried out, considering that this organization is the largest organization in Indonesia. This article aimed to analyze the strength of Muhammadiyah's existence which focuses on the pillars of empowerment and strengthening of society. This paper was prepared using library research methods. Data were analyzed using qualitative descriptive analysis. Data visualization, especially regarding references and keywords that frequently appear, is assisted with VOSviewer. The results show that Muhammadiyah is an Islamic organization that has a clear and real role in empowering and strengthening of society. Muhammadiyah has a central role in the field of philanthropy, in fact this has become Muhammadiyah's identity. Al-Ma'un became the ideological-theological foundation of Muhammadiyah's struggle. The advocacy movement through community empowerment has changed the face of Muhammadiyah to become more populist. Community empowerment is carried out through action programs that directly touch on the real problems of poor and marginalized communities represented by farmers, fishermen, livestock breeders, workers, urban poor communities and people with disabilities. Women's groups who have been marginalized and tend to be subordinated have also become targets of empowerment work carried out by Muhammadiyah, especially through its wing organization, namely Aisyiyah. </em></p> 2024-05-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Wahyu Prihanta, Moh. Nurhakim, Saiful Amien Empowering high school students as peer counselors to prevent free sex and early marriage 2024-05-06T15:16:03+07:00 Hanifiya Samha Wardhani Dyah Hariani Nur Ducha Nur Anindya Syamsudi Yusfita Kurniawati <p><em>counseling in schools can be the right choice in an effort to fortify adolescents from negative environmental influences and play a role in promoting the issues of free sex, early marriage, and reproductive health through counseling activities. The activity was carried out using the training method, in August 2023. The location of the activity was SMA Negeri 15 Surabaya, with the target participants being 2 representatives of class X and XI students, totaling 48 students. The instruments used in this activity are pre-test and post-test, with the main material of counseling on free sex, early marriage, reproductive health, and skills to become peer counselors. The success indicator of this activity, where &gt;50% of participants get a minimum point increase of 5%. Community service activities through peer counseling training were successful in fulfilling activity success indicators. &gt;50% of participants got an increase in points of at least 5% after training; namely, a total of 26 (54.17%) participants experienced an increase in knowledge scores of more than 5%. The training activities that have been carried out are effective in increasing the knowledge of participants.</em></p> 2024-05-24T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Hanifiya Samha Wardhani, Dyah Hariani, Nur Ducha, Nur Anindya Syamsudi, Yusfita Kurniawati Government contribution to community empowerment based on local potential in Percut village-Deli Serdang Regency 2024-05-03T21:53:33+07:00 Liza Khairani Hasan Sazali <p><em>Indonesia is a country that is very rich in marine resources. The extraordinary potential of Indonesia's natural resources can be utilized for the welfare of society. This potential helps Indonesia get out of poverty and become a more developed country. Poverty is one of the problems that until now requires action. Increased community empowerment is needed to strengthen the principle of poverty reduction based on local potential. This research aims to get an overview of how the Village government's contribution to local potential-based community empowerment in Percut Village, as well as the impact of activities carried out by the government on the community. In this research using Qualitative method through Descriptive approach. The location of this research was Percut Village, Percut Sei Tuan District, Deli Serdang Regency. This research consists of 5 resource persons.</em> <em>The data collection techniques used are observation, interview and documentation. The data analysis technique is carried out by data reduction, data display and conclusion drawing. Based on the results of the study, it was found that the contribution of the village government through various programs and activities, the village government provides counseling, training, empowerment and assistance in the management and sustainable use of marine resources. In addition, the impact of activities carried out by the government on the community consists of social and economic impacts. The social impact of the community's life is well maintained and the economic impact of the community has increased.</em></p> 2024-05-19T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Liza Khairani, Hasan Sazali City growth and its impact on residential problems: A case study in the city of Jakarta 2024-01-20T17:39:42+07:00 Puji Arifin Didin Muhafidin Ramadhan Pancasilawan <p><em>This study aims to examine housing and settlement problems, especially in the Jakarta area as a result of population growth which has caused a very large population by identifying the number of housing needs and housing deficits. This study takes the object of the city of Jakarta as a case study and focuses on the housing sector which includes 2731 residential neighborhoods (RW) where the city occupies an area of 664.01 km2. Studies show the cause of the problem is caused by relatively stable city growth with a growth rate of around 1% over the past 20 years, which is reflected in the number of families, which amount to 3,627,111 families, with a housing density of 5462 families/km2, living in 2,242,163 housing units. The findings show that another cause is the spread of slum settlements in the city, which total 445 RWs, which means 16.30% of the total RWs. The results of the research show that so far, the problem has not been resolved. </em></p> 2024-05-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Puji Arifin, Didin Muhafidin , Ramadhan Pancasilawan PPIM Sabah's admin performance: Smartphone App development for Indonesian students 2024-05-08T07:55:51+07:00 H. Hariyady Nur Hayatin <p><em>Persatuan Pelajar Indonesia Malaysia (PPMI)is a Malaysian Indonesian Students Association in Sabah, an organization that associates with Indonesian students studying at campuses in Sabah, Malaysia. </em><em>Due to the lack of supporting human resources, technological support is needed to assist the activities and work of management in order to improve organizational services and administration. For this reason, we provide a solution through community service. This service seeks to create a smartphone application called "PPIM Sabah” to Enhance Administrative Performance." PPIM Sabah encounters challenges such as inefficiency in administrative procedures, obstacles in data accessibility, and inadequate utilization of technology for administrative duties. In order to tackle these issues, we suggest creating a smartphone application that will aid PPIM Sabah in effectively maintaining member information, coordinating and advertising events, and monitoring financial matters with greater efficiency. The suggested system encompasses crucial functionalities, including membership administration, event coordination, and financial oversight. The application is anticipated to enhance the efficiency and efficacy of PPIM Sabah's administration, diminish the time and exertion needed to perform administrative activities, and enhance the quality of services supplied to members. The proposed activity plan encompasses a comprehensive series of steps, including needs analysis, application design, development, testing, implementation, and evaluation. A group of computer science and software development specialists will collaborate closely with PPIM Sabah at every phase of the development process. By integrating this smartphone application, the PPIM Sabah's administrative efficiency can be greatly enhanced, resulting in concrete advantages for the organization and its members.</em></p> 2024-06-27T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 H. Hariyady, Nur Hayatin Increasing teacher professionalism through learning innovative, creative and effective at Aisyiyah Boarding School Malang 2024-06-11T20:23:42+07:00 Thathit Manon Andini Aini Alifatin Dini Kurniawati Retno Firdiyanti Nur Hayatin <p><em>Law No. 14 of 2005 concerning Teachers and Lecturers article 10 mandates that every teacher is required to meet the academic qualifications and teacher competencies that apply nationally, so that coaching to increase teacher competency needs to always receive more attention in its development. This service aims to increase teacher professionalism through innovative, creative and effective learning. This service was carried out at SMA Aisyiyah Boarding School Malang (SMA ABSM) in October 2022. The activity was attended by 13 teachers from various subjects. The methods used are two-way communication methods, lectures and training. This activity provides an explanation to teachers about strengthening teacher competency to become quality teachers and outstanding performance. This activity trains teachers in terms of pedagogical, professional, social and personal skills, and also equips teachers on how to be interesting when teaching and liked by their students, thereby creating innovative, creative and effective learning. This community service only reaches the stage of delivering material, and not yet at the stage of evaluating and assisting teachers in daily practice. Therefore, in the future it is hoped that there will be community service activities that focus on assisting teachers' daily practices, teaching practice, and reflecting together.</em></p> 2024-06-16T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Thathit Manon Andini, Aini Alifatin, Dini Kurniawati, Retno Firdiyanti, Nur Hayatin Effective strategies to enhance awareness and proficiency in open wound emergency management for students 2023-06-20T13:37:25+07:00 Putra Agina Widyaswara Suwaryo Dadi Santoso Hendri Tamara Yuda Irmawan Andri Nugroho H. Hariyady <p><em>Accidents can happen at home, school, day care center, or on the street at any time of the day. Children are prone to accidents or injuries because of their curiosity and vulnerability to accidents, especially at school. Accidents can include falls, choking on food, swallowing objects, electric shock, exposure to hot water, and drowning. The empowerment was carried out to increase the knowledge and skills of students in schools in providing first aid measures for open wounds. The activity was carried out at the Kota Kinabalu Indonesian School (SIKK) with 239 participants. The results of the activity showed an increase in knowledge and skills after being given education. Good knowledge and skills will improve health services and minimize the risk of injury. Similar activities can be carried out again with health topics and more diverse participants.</em></p> 2024-06-03T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Putra Agina Widyaswara Suwaryo, Dadi Santoso, Hendri Tamara Yuda, Irmawan Andri Nugroho, H. Hariyady Strategy of local government in achieving the target of the long-term contraceptive method program in sukabumi City 2024-02-18T13:07:36+07:00 Tantri Sri Wahyuni Dian Purwanti Yana Fajar FY Basori <p><em>Long-Term Contraceptive Method is a contraceptive that can be used for a long time, which is more than three years used to delay, minimize pregnancy, and stop fertility, which includes IUD, Implant and steady contraception, this study aims to determine the factors associated with the use of Long-Term Contraceptive Method in Sukabumi City. The purpose of this study is to determine the strategy of the Office of Population Control, Family Planning, Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (DP2KBP3A) in achieving the target of the long-term contraceptive method program in Sukabumi City. This study used descriptive qualitative methods with observational data collection techniques, interviews and documentation. Data analysis was carried out by snowball sampling technique, namely by determining informants who were initially small in number and then enlarged. The results of this study measured by strategy indicators by </em>Mintzberg et al (2003)<em> show that the Agency in achieving the targets of the MKJP program begins with planning, implementing and evaluating. However, in the implementation there are still some obstacles. Existing programs have helped in the process of implementing long-term contraceptive method programs. But not yet fully optimized. Therefore, it is necessary to expand the range of strategies, so that the program of long-term contraceptive methods is maximized.</em></p> 2024-05-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Tantri Sri Wahyuni, Dian Purwanti, Yana Fajar FY Basori Training on making lemuru fish into healthy snacks to support stunting reduction 2024-05-06T15:20:07+07:00 Yunda Maymanah Rahmadewi Harwi Wijayanti Dwi Lestari Lukviana <p><em>Indonesia, the country in Asia with the highest stunting rate (ranked fifth), has a program to accelerate reducing the number of cases with Banyuwangi Regency being one of the pilot projects for the Healthy Children's Movement to Prevent Stunting Toddlers and accelerating stunting prevention issued by the Regent of Banyuwangi in April 2022. On the other hand, Bangorejo District, which is close to the south coast in Banyuwangi, means that this area has a lot of marine products in the form of fish and has cheap prices. The problem is, the community, especially mothers, most of whom are housewives, do not yet have the skills to increase the use value of these marine products. This program aims to improve skills in extending the shelf life of products made from lemuru fish and increase the use value of these products. The methods used are counseling and direct practice through training. The target partners are 27 mothers/women in Padukuhan Kedungrejo, Sambirejo, and Pasembon, Bangorejo District, Banyuwangi Regency. Training activities were held on 23 and 31 August 2023. The results of this activity were that participants had knowledge of making processed fish food which increased by 29.6%, and skills in making processed fish food which increased by 33.3%. The conclusion is that people's knowledge and skills in making processed lemuru fish have increased. The target community is able to make dragon legs and nuggets from lemuru fish.</em></p> 2024-06-03T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Yunda Maymanah Rahmadewi, Harwi Wijayanti, Dwi Lestari Lukviana Go digital of PAMMA Herba through rebranding and digital marketing 2024-03-26T12:32:35+07:00 Anang Sujoko Eko Widodo Muhammad Firdaus Noer Rahmi Ardiarini Zulfaidah Penata Gama Dicky Wahyudi <p><em>PAMMA (Panti Asuhan Muhammadiyah Malang) has a home industry product in the form of rhizome beverages. The beverage products from PAMMA were developed by the Doktor Mengabdi program for Brawijaya University and has survived until now. The problem is, the previous Doktor Mengabdi program still focused on the beverage production process, and PAMMA still markets its products conventionally, even though the industrial era has penetrated the digital market (e-commerce). This community service program aims to maintain of the rhizome beverage industry from PAMMA by conducting packaging rebranding and digital marketing, so that PAMMA products can go to the digital market (Go Digital). Implementation methods include: First, assistance with the legalization and re-branding of 5 rhizome beverage products. Second, a digital marketing workshop for rhizome beverage products for PAMMA residents. The results of this community program are measured by the legalization of NIB PAMMA Herba, and changes to the packaging design of 5 PAMMA rhizome beverage products. Digital marketing training provides results in the form of a shop on an e-commerce platform for PAMMA which can be used to sell its rhizome products, optimize advertising in new media by adjusting its target market, and expand marketing by utilizing digital media. The target is that with a schematic and sustainable program, it can increase economic income and maintain the sustainability of the home industry of rhizome beverage products from PAMMA.</em></p> 2024-06-16T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Anang Sujoko, Eko Widodo, Muhammad Firdaus, Noer Rahmi Ardiarini, Zulfaidah Penata Gama; Dicky Wahyudi Implementation of women's empowerment program in improving family welfare in Batu Bara Regency 2024-05-03T22:32:54+07:00 Ulfa Fadillah S. Salamuddin <p><em>Ladies enjoy different benefits and fluctuated jobs, remembering for instruction and vocations. The issues of ladies from low monetary gatherings, particularly connected with orientation, need regard for increment their social and financial support. Ladies' strengthening, particularly among unfortunate families, shows the requirement for substantial activities in reinforcing social and monetary viewpoints. This study means to examine the execution of the Ladies' Strengthening Project in Further developing Family Government assistance in Tanah Itam Ulu Ranch Town, Datuk Lima Puluh Locale, Batubara Rule. This sort of examination is subjective exploration utilizing Spellbinding strategy. Not entirely settled by purposive testing, information assortment methods were done by perception, interview and documentation. Information legitimacy test in this review is source triangulation. Information investigation strategies use information decrease stages, information show, and end drawing. The consequences of the review show that there is a ladies' strengthening program, yet it has not had the option to make a huge commitment in further developing family government assistance through the Deqoupage create program. There are impediments in the execution of this strengthening program, chiefly because of the low level of ladies' cooperation. This low interest can be brought about by a few things, like the absence of socialization, the absence of preparing given by the public authority, and the degree of instruction.</em></p> 2024-05-19T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ulfa Fadillah, S. Salamuddin Enhancing English and accounting skills through a VOCABING-based technology program for MSMEs in Kediri 2024-01-08T20:46:29+07:00 Angga Prasongko Eni Srihastuti <p><em>Digital economic transformation which is the impact of technological development changes the perspective of Indonesian on economic behavior. The use of technology in economics activity is increasing nowadays. It impacts on the development of the economic sectors. Macro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) one of the business roles in Indonesia have to do some innovation for its existing in today's trading world. The strategy that can be implemented for facing that case is by adapting the technology use and enhancing the quality of human resources through increasing competence and skills. Considering that the performance of an organization is determined by the human resources it has. Community service program through Integrated Training; Vocabulary Building &amp; Accounting (VOCABING)-Based Technology needs to be held for MSMEs in Kediri. These activities include training in English and the Use of Accounting Technology for improving MSMEs skill. it is based on vocabulary mastery which influence the ability to understand the complex information and instructions. The activity held two days series through four steps; planning, implementation, evaluations, and reporting. For proving the training’s goals, it used tests and assessment. The results showed that there was an increase of 12.5% in the final English test score and participants completed the work instruction assessment correctly.</em></p> 2024-06-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Angga Prasongko, Eni Srihastuti Empowerment of Dermo Youth Organization with design training, welding techniques and OHS towards the development of economic independence of village communities 2024-05-06T15:18:04+07:00 Iis Siti Aisyah Ali Mokhtar Dini Kurniawati Nur Hasanah <p><em>Unemployment may cause problems for those who experience it for example depression and cause other social problems including criminal acts such as thuggery. This problem can only be eliminated if the root cause of unemployment is eliminated. Eliminating unemployment must be done comprehensively although every region always has unemployment due to various factors, and it would be wiser if in overcoming the problem of unemployment and its side excesses such as thuggery, the local potential of the region and the communal approach are put forward. Handling of these social problems will be applied in Dermo Hamlet, Dau Subdistrict, where many welding workshops are located, yet there are still many people of productive age who do not have permanent jobs or are unemployed. So that the proposed Science and Technology-Based Community Service program in collaboration with Youth Organization partners in Dermo Hamlet aims to overcome these social problems through organizing design training, welding training and OHS / Occupational Health and Safety socialization. The initial capital constraints in making this business even though it is simple are related to the funding budget that is still not available to buy welding equipment and other supporting tools, besides that it is also constrained related to skills. So that in this PKM, 1 set of welding machines is provided. And the indicator of program achievement is marked by understanding of the material by giving 10 Basic Welding certificates and 10 OHS certificates from the Mechanical Engineering Study Program.</em></p> 2024-06-21T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Iis Siti Aisyah, Ali Mokhtar, Dini Kurniawati, Nur Hasanah