Profitabilitas Bank Syariah Di Indonesia: Bagaimana Pengaruh Permodalan, Inflasi Dan Birate?


  • Idah Zuhroh Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, Malang, Indonesia



Cross Section SUR, Full Fledge Islamic Banking, Makroekonomi, Profitabilitas


This study to analyze the effect of internal components of Islamic banks and macroeconomics on the profitability of Islamic banks in Indonesia. The sample used includes 8 Full Fledge Islamic banking for the period 2011Q1–2019Q4. Data analysis used panel data regression between FEM and CEM based on Chow and LM tests. Several control variables used include financing quality (NPF), bank liquidity (FDR), exchange rate and economic growth (LGDP). The robust model was chosen for further analysis and the best model was obtained, namely FEM-cross section weight (EGLS). The results found that Islamic banks are increasingly complying with sharia regulations where the BI Rate does not affect the profitability of Islamic banks. Inflation has a negative effect, while the effect of CAR has a non-linear effect on profitability. All control variables have a significant effect on the profitability of Islamic banks. NPF and exchange rate have a negative effect while EG and FDR have a positive effect on profitability. The results of the FEM constant show that there are 2 Islamic banks that excellent in profit so that they can be a reference for other Islamic banks to increase profitability.


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