Ethics Perspective of Quality Accounting Information and Future Certainty: A Pattern of Rationally Perceived Decision


  • Muljanto Siladjaja Faculty of Economics and Business, IKPIA Perbanas, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Trinandari Prasetya Nugrahanti Faculty of Economics and Business, IKPIA Perbanas, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Pamela Magdalena Faculty of Economics and Business, IKPIA Perbanas, Jakarta, Indonesia



Consistency Characteristics, Earnings Quality, Future Certainty, Rationality Perspectives


Purpose: This research tested the distinctive capability of detecting misleading information when real earnings have positively stimulated the smooth movement of the market price.

Methodology/approach: This causal research used the primary data from the investor community in 2022, which amounted to 3.242 respondents for running SEM and endogeneity testing; FGD has been the fittest validation process for capturing the rationality models.

Findings: High consistency of integrity-characteristic played a crucial role in designing a prudent accounting treatment which indicates the ethics code related to highly sustainable business during an uncertain future global economy. Inevitably, a measurement of trust in high earning quality pointed out that this quality measurement is to protect this investment decision in a highly secured, safe area.

Practical implications: One centralized platform of financial reporting services should support the attractiveness of obedience and compliance as an incomparable advantage of positive earnings management. High-prospected firms should be assessed by high-quality accounting information; the delisting procedure has been prioritized firmly for low-prospect ones. 

Originality/value: This research explores the pattern of predictive simulation modeling as the existence of game theory, adapted from simplex-linear programming; this rationality model has strengthened as a fundamental requirement to illustrate high future certainty.


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