Pengaruh Financial Leverage , Roi, Roe, Reputasi Auditor, dan Reputasi Underwriter terhadap Tingkat Underpricing Saham pada Saat IPO di BEI


  • Hestytia Nirmala Assari
  • Ahmad Juanda
  • Eny Suprapti



The purpose of this research is to prove that financial leverage, ROI, ROE, auditor reputation
and underwriter reputation have an effect on underpricing during IPO. The type of this research
is associative, the population of this study is a company that conducts initial public offering
(IPO) in BEI year 2007-2012. Sampling was done using purposive sampling. Types of data used
are qualitative and quantitative data. The results of this study indicate that the variables of
financial leverage (DER), ROI, ROE, Reputation Auditor, and Reputation Underwriter simultaneously affect the level of underpricing of stocks as evidenced by the F-test results of 3.100 with
a significance level smaller than 0, 05 which is 0,014. While the test results partially (Test T)
shows that only the underwriter reputation only variables that have a significant effect on the
level of underpricing the stock.
Ke ywords: financial leverage, ROI, ROE, auditor reputation, underwriter reputation, underpricing



