Effect of Two Varieties and Several Isolates of Rhizobacteria on Soybean Plant (Glycine max (L.) Merril) Productivity


  • Erfan Dani Septia Universitas Muhammadyah Malang
  • Maftuchah Universitas Muhammadyah Malang
  • Yoga Andi Kurniawan Universitas Muhammadyah Malang


Rhizobacteria, Plant, Growth Substances, Soybean Plants


The study investigates the nutritional composition of soybeans, emphasizing their richness in calcium, iron, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, and folic acid. Soybeans are highlighted as a significant source of essential amino acids, proteins, and vegetable oils, with dried soybeans comprising 34% protein, 19% oil, 34% carbohydrates (including 17% dietary fiber), and 5% minerals. The environmental conditions crucial for soybean cultivation are discussed, underscoring the need for a balance between air temperature and humidity influenced by rainfall. Optimal conditions, characterized by high air temperatures and low humidity, are essential for quality soybean production. Despite increasing domestic demand, Indonesia imports soybeans to meet its needs. To address this issue, the study proposes a solution involving the application of rhizobacteria to enhance soybean productivity. The research aims to assess the impact of various bacterial isolates on the productivity of Dega1 and Anjasmara soybean varieties, exploring potential interactions between rhizobacterial isolates and soybean varieties. Employing a factorial RAK Split Plot experimental design with two factors (variety and treatment) and three repetitions, the study reveals that rhizobacteria-treated soybean plants exhibit increased productivity, with more leaves and greater height compared to the control. The abundance of leaves contributes to additional branches and flowers, ultimately enhancing pod development on soybean plants.


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