Legality : Jurnal Ilmiah Hukum <table class="data" width="100%" bgcolor="#f0f0f0"> <tbody> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Journal title</td> <td width="80%"><strong>Legality : Jurnal Ilmiah Hukum</strong></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Initials</td> <td width="80%"><strong>LJIH</strong></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Grade</td> <td width="80%"><strong><strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Sinta 1 Journal</a></strong></strong></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Frequency</td> <td width="80%"><strong>2 issues per year (March and September)</strong></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">DOI</td> <td width="80%"><strong>prefix 10.22219 </strong>by <img src="" alt="" /> <strong><br /></strong></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Print ISSN</td> <td width="80%"><a title="Nomor ISSN Jurnal Legality" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>0854-6509</strong></a></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Online ISSN</td> <td width="80%"><a title="Nomor ISSN (Online) Jurnal Legality" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>2549-4600</strong></a></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Editor-in-chief</td> <td width="80%"><strong><strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Sholahuddin Al-Fatih</a> (</strong><br /></strong></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Managing Editor</td> <td width="80%"><strong><a href=";src=al&amp;sid=ba8f25d9001cea06fa2f5d9a80deaa76&amp;sot=al&amp;sdt=al&amp;sl=46&amp;s=AUTHLASTNAME%28Hidayah%29+AND+AUTHFIRST%28Nur+Putri%29&amp;st1=Hidayah&amp;st2=Nur+Putri&amp;orcidId=&amp;selectionPageSearch=anl&amp;reselectAuthor=false&amp;activeFlag=true&amp;showDocument=false&amp;resultsPerPage=20&amp;offset=1&amp;jtp=false&amp;currentPage=1&amp;previousSelectionCount=0&amp;tooManySelections=false&amp;previousResultCount=0&amp;authSubject=LFSC&amp;authSubject=HLSC&amp;authSubject=PHSC&amp;authSubject=SOSC&amp;exactAuthorSearch=false&amp;showFullList=false&amp;authorPreferredName=&amp;origin=searchauthorfreelookup&amp;affiliationId=&amp;txGid=f466790cc6d4259e7ec7a209f2d34c74" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Nur Putri Hidayah</a> (</strong></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Publisher</td> <td width="80%"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang</strong></a></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Cite Analysis</td> <td width="80%"><a href=";hl=en" target="_self"><strong>Google Scholar</strong></a></td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td width="20%">Indexing</td> <td width="80%"><strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">SINTA</a></strong> | <strong><a href=";tip=sid&amp;clean=0" target="_blank" rel="noopener">SCOPUS</a></strong>| <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">GARUDA</a></strong></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p align="justify"> </p> <p align="justify">Legality: Jurnal Ilmiah Hukum (LJIH) is a double-blind, peer-reviewed, open-access journal established by the <strong>Faculty of Law, University of Muhammadiyah Malang</strong>.</p> <p align="justify">LJIH is a journal that aims to publish manuscripts of high-quality research and conceptual analysis on specific fields of law, such as Islamic law, customary/adat law, philosophy of law, fundamental law, legal theory, comparative law, and human rights issues in Southeast Asia. It has one<strong><strong> volume with two issues per year (March </strong></strong>and<strong><strong> September).</strong></strong></p> <p align="justify">LJIH accepted submissions from all over the world. All submitted articles shall be <strong>written in English (since 2020)</strong>, have never been published elsewhere, are original, and are not under consideration for other publications. The LJIH Editorial Board will screen plagiarism using the <strong>Turnitin</strong> Program to check for plagiarism. If it is found that there is a plagiarism indication (above 15%), the editorial board will automatically reject the manuscript immediately. LJIH has been indexed in <strong>Scopus,</strong> <strong>Google Scholar, Crossref, Garuda, </strong>and<strong> Sinta 1 (SK Nomor 79/E/KPT/2023). </strong>LJIH is pleased to announce that we have been<strong> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">accepted</a> </strong>into the Scopus database as of March 3, 2023.</p> <p align="justify">If the submitted manuscript does not adhere to the guidelines or uses a different format, it will be rejected before being reviewed by the Editorial Board. The Editor will only accept a manuscript that adheres to the formatting specifications. All submissions must be made through the LJIH OJS system. We accept absolutely no submissions via email. The Editor makes no LoA. LoA is issued solely in the form of an accepted paper notification.</p> en-US (Sholahuddin Al-Fatih) (Said Noor Pasetyo) Thu, 25 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0700 OJS 60 Indonesia's responsibility towards Rohingya refugees: analysis of the 1951 Refugee Convention <p><em>The Acehnese people refused the boat carrying more than 200 Rohingya migrants in early 2024; therefore, UNHCR is pleading with the Indonesian authorities to allow them to disembark. The UNHCR report states that there are currently 1,608 Aceh refugees, including 140 survivors from the previous year. People are increasingly worried about the impact of the significant influx of Rohingya individuals in Aceh. Indonesia's acceptance of those seeking safety for humanitarian reasons has significantly affected the Acehnese population. Indonesia is being pressured to provide assistance to Rohingya refugees despite not being a signatory to the Refugee Convention. The issue at hand is whether Indonesia is legally obligated to help Rohingya refugees under the Refugee Convention. This study utilized normative legal research, commonly known as document analysis involving a qualitative examination of secondary data sources. The investigation included sources such as books, papers, and treaties, specifically focusing on the Refugee Convention of 1951. Indonesia, as it is not a signatory to the Refugee Convention, does not have a legal duty to aid the Rohingya refugees in Aceh based on the Refugee Convention. This study employed normative legal research, analyzing documents qualitatively with secondary sources like books, articles, and treaties, notably the 1951 Refugee Convention. Consequently, since Indonesia has not ratified the Refugee Convention, it is not bound by legal obligations to assist the Rohingya refugees in Aceh. However, Indonesia still maintains a responsibility according to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. </em></p> Yordan Gunawan, Carissa Shifa Novendra, Aldha Febrila Copyright (c) 2024 Yordan Gunawan, Carissa Shifa Novendra, Aldha Febrila Thu, 25 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Recognition of the right to participation of tribal peoples in the repatriation of Lombok treasures <p><em>This research explores the absence of the peoples of customary law in returning Lombok treasures before, during, and after repatriation, while international law and law in Indonesia recognise and respect the right to self-determination and participation of the people of customary law in a cultural sector. This article employed a normative-legal method supported by conceptual and case approaches. A descriptive-prescriptive method was employed, and data were analysed using content analysis. The results show that the government faces the challenge of determining official representatives of tribal peoples. Another challenge came from inadequate infrastructure and budget. The absence of the tribal peoples has led to the failure of achieving the reconciliation of unfair history, blocked access to helping with the research on the origin of the objects of cultural heritage, reinforced the content of agreements and cooperation of repatriation, and reintegrated the missing objects into their cultural context. This gap can be solved with two strategies reinforcing the role and participation of the tribal peoples in the repatriation process, namely by setting up the legal framework for the repatriation of cultural heritage objects and strengthening the involvement and legal standing of the tribal peoples. Through the study of Lombok treasures, this research contributes a valuable lesson and awareness, indicating that the State should recognise the right to participation of the peoples of customary law in an attempt to repatriate other objects of cultural heritage in the time to come.</em></p> Airin Liemanto, Moh. Fadli, Afifah Kusumadara, Lalu Muhammad Hayyanul Haq Copyright (c) 2024 Airin Liemanto, Moh. Fadli, Afifah Kusumadara, Lalu Muhammad Hayyanul Haq Fri, 17 May 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Inconsistency in freedom of contract for banking dispute resolution in Indonesia <p><em>This research interprets the manner and existence of contradictions in POJK No. 61/POJK.07/2020's declaration regarding the freedom of contract while choosing banking dispute resolution forums. Primary and secondary legal materials comprise most of the secondary data in this normative legal study. The information was gathered from the literature and examined using analytical and interpretive methods. The study's findings emphasised how Indonesian banking dispute resolution forums are chosen inconsistently with the idea of freedom of contract. The findings demonstrated the necessity of legal harmony in rulemaking to guarantee the coherence and consistency of all legal principles underlying different laws.</em> <em>This article argues that legal harmony is essential for aligning various legal concepts across diverse regulations</em><em> and</em><em> significantly contributes to the identification of the policy's inconsistency, which restricts the ability to choose a banking dispute settlement venue without restriction. The findings of this study may provide the basis for more research on how the policy affects banks and their clients. The findings could also be used as a reference for policymakers to improve the current policy and to ensure that the principle of freedom of contract is preserved in banking dispute resolution. Overall, this research provides valuable insights into the current policy and its impact on the banking industry in Indonesia.</em></p> Suryadi Suryadi, Muhammad Habibi Miftakhul Marwa, Fauzan Muhammadi, Siti Zuliyah, Megawati Megawati Copyright (c) 2024 Suryadi Suryadi, Muhammad Habibi Miftakhul Marwa, Fauzan Muhammadi, Siti Zuliyah, Megawati Megawati Tue, 02 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0700