Self-management Analysis of International University Student in Coping with Culture Shock in Indonesia


  • Mohammad Syaroni Syawaludin Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
  • Budi Suprapto
  • M. Himawan Sutanto



Culture shock or distress resulting from the loss of cultural identity during social interaction is commonly experienced by a person living in an environment that differs from one's own. The situation is commonly faced by international students who are learning Indonesian culture and language at Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang. Culture shock without proper treatment commonly creates negative emotions that may reduce life satisfaction. The researcher is interested in research concerning the self-management of international students in coping with the culture shock as most of them can adapt well until the end of their program in Indonesia. This research applies a descriptive qualitative case study using a purposive sampling technique to obtain data through interviews, observation, and documentation. The data analysis is by Miles and Huberman's model and source triangulation to validate the data. The study results show that socio-cultural and psycho-cultural concepts have the most significant effect on intra-cultural communication. Some of the culture shock indications for international students in UMM are loneliness, homesickness, and social relation issues (discrimination, prejudice, and stereotypes). The indications are due to external factors (language, interpersonal relation, time management, lifestyle, and food), and internal factors (introvert personality and high expectation).  Culture shock often occurs in the first week to the third month after arrival with various levels of severity depends on the person. The self-management conducted by the international students consists of four stages: the sense and awareness process, matching process, judgemental and cognitive-affective instruction, and purposive action. The last stage consists of two aspects: interpersonal relation reinforcement and self-activity reinforcement. 


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How to Cite

Syawaludin, M. S., Suprapto, B., & Sutanto, M. H. (2020). Self-management Analysis of International University Student in Coping with Culture Shock in Indonesia. Medio, 2(1).


