Shock of Tens Billion Tokopedia In The Middle Of Data Leaking Cases`


  • Raiseta Dwi Kartika Paramadina University


Rapid technological advances are now driving all human activities so that they can be carried out through media mediated by communication networks and the internet, including shopping activities which are increasingly facilitated by the growing growth of e-commerce in Indonesia. Besides the advancement of technology, it is also accompanied by cyber crimes that are also experienced by Tokopedia. This study aims to examine the use of advertising titled promos to lead public opinion as a step and effort to increase trust and competitiveness. The type of research used is qualitative research using data analysis methods and is supported by additional interviews with Tokopedia consumers. The results of research related to user data security show that the level of cyber security in e-commerce in Indonesia is still low, thus making crimes such as cyber crime increase. 


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How to Cite

Kartika, R. D. (2021). Shock of Tens Billion Tokopedia In The Middle Of Data Leaking Cases`. Medio, 2(2). Retrieved from