Relationship Theory: The Sosrokartono's Life


  • Nadia Qurrantain Magister Student University of Brawijaya



Learning about human relationships is endless. Every human being has a unique way of interacting and establishing relationships with others. The resulting relationships are limited to the results of these interactions; there are contexts such as patterns, links, and institutions formed through a conversation. These aspects influence and shape the conversations that are part of it. The science of communication helps solve the puzzle of how to understand the differences and differences in relationships. This research was conducted based on a literature review by deepening the theory of relationships through case studies that highlight an Indonesian figure's life journey. Sosrokartono is a polyglot, a genius quality of Indonesian at that time. He is the Regent of Jepara, RA Kartini's older brother. However, he did not like to flaunt her social status to the public. He has good relationships with family, friends and society. In addition, he was known as someone who was helpful, sincere, and made a significant contribution to the nation. Javanese and Islamic cultural guidelines are very thick in coloring the history of his life, which often contradicts Western civilization. This value is what influences the form of relationships in communicating.


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Author Biography

Nadia Qurrantain, Magister Student University of Brawijaya

Communication Sciences




How to Cite

Qurrantain, N. (2020). Relationship Theory: The Sosrokartono’s Life. Medio, 2(2).