Trait Self-Control Memoderasi Pengaruh Fear of Missing Out terhadap Prokrastinasi Akademik


  • Audita Izza Balqis Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
  • Putri Citra Andina



affective commitment, job satisfaction, Work-Life Balance


Social media has grown rapidly giving an impact on academic activities. Fear of missing out (FoMO) is a phenomenon that develops due to the use of social media, which is thought to be a contributor to academics. This study aims to determine
the effect of FoMO on academic procrastination by considering the role of the trait of self-control. 116 participants filled
out online questionnaires to measure the Academic Procrastination Scale (APS), Brief Self-control Scale (SCS), and Fear of Missing Out Scales (FoMOS). Data analysis was carried out using the moderating regression method, showing that the trait of self-control significantly moderated the effect of FoMO on academic procrastination. This study implies that the self-control trait can be used as a reference in reducing the level of academic procrastination.


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How to Cite

Balqis, A. I., & Citra Andina, P. (2022). Trait Self-Control Memoderasi Pengaruh Fear of Missing Out terhadap Prokrastinasi Akademik. Psychological Journal: Science and Practice, 2(1).