Menggali kekuatan karakter: conscientiousness berperan pada orientasi masa depan dan keputusan karir siswa SMK


  • Nurhuda Alfina Layalin Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
  • Iswinarti
  • Siti Suminarti Fasikhah



Career decision, Conscientiousness, Future Orientation


Career choices is a central role in an individual’s life, especially for vocational school students. For this reason,
understanding the elements that influence career decisions becomes essential to ensure that individuals can formulate
accurate and aligned choices with their long-term aspirations. Future orientation is among the factors impacting career
choices. Students who possess a strong sense of future orientation enhance their capacity to make informed career
decisions. Conscientiousness is thought to have an important role in increasing the influence of future orientation on the
career decisions of female vocational high school students. The purpose of this study was to determine the moderating
effect of Conscientiousness on the effect of future orientation on career decisions. The research subjects were 194
students who were in class XII at SMK in Ponorogo. Data were collected using the Career Decision Scale, Future
Orientation Scale, and the Big-five personality scale NEO-PI-R. The Moderate Regression Analysis (MRA) method was
employed for data analysis. The findings of the research indicate that Conscientiousness has the capability to amplify
the influence of future orientation on the career choices made by vocational school students in Ponorogo.


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How to Cite

Nurhuda Alfina Layalin, Iswinarti, & Siti Suminarti Fasikhah. (2023). Menggali kekuatan karakter: conscientiousness berperan pada orientasi masa depan dan keputusan karir siswa SMK. Psychological Journal: Science and Practice, 3(2), 177–183.