Peran pemaafan sebagai mediator hubungan antara kebersyukuran dan kebahagiaan pada remaja di panti asuhan


  • Iswinarti Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
  • Muhammad Salis Yuniardi Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang



Adolescents, body image, Celebrity worship, self esteem


Abstract Happiness is everyone’s need, therefore everyone wants it, including teenagers in orphanages. Happiness
is related to gratitude, teenagers in orphanages who have a high level of gratitude will have a high level of happiness.
Likewise, teenagers in orphanages who have a high level of gratitude will have a high level of forgiveness. Teenagers in
orphanages who forgive tend to be happier than teenagers who don’t forgive. The purpose of this study was to determine
the role of forgiveness as a mediator in the relationship between gratitude and happiness in adolescents in orphanages.
This study uses a quantitative approach. Subjects were determined through a saturation sampling technique consisting
of 100 teenagers at an orphanage in Malang City. The research instrument uses The Gratitude Questionnaire-SixItem
Form (GQ-6), the Heartland forgiveness scale and the Indonesian version of The PERMA-Profiler scale. Mediation
analysis using Process model 4 by Hayes. The results show that gratitude has a positive and significant relationship to
happiness. The results of this study also prove that forgiveness is able to mediate the relationship between gratitude and
happiness with a value.The conclusion from the results of this study forgiveness can be a mediator of the relationship
between gratitude and happiness in adolescents in orphanages


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How to Cite

MEILIANAWATI, M., Iswinarti, & Muhammad Salis Yuniardi. (2024). Peran pemaafan sebagai mediator hubungan antara kebersyukuran dan kebahagiaan pada remaja di panti asuhan. Psychological Journal: Science and Practice, 4(1), 215–221.