HAK KEBEBASAN BERAGAMA DAN BERKEYAKINAN: Pendekatan Filsafat Sistem dalam Usul Fikih Sosial


  • M. Amin Abdullah


M. Amin Abdullah

Guru Besar Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta


This paper introduces the “philosophical approach to the system implemented in
Islamic legal thought by Jasser Auda. Thought (the law) Islamic fore is no longer
expected to isolated patterned-dikhotomis-atomistic, but dialogic-integrated - with
the interrelated elements of social development and other scientific developments in
the integrity of thinking so to form a world-view is more comprehensive wholy.
Systems approach to the use of the efforts of philosophy in Islamic studies is almost
coincided with changes in patterns of scientific epistemology of Islam which encourages
institutional change from the Institute to the University (a full-fledged university)
within the College of Religious Affairs in Indonesia in the first decade of the 21st
century, known as the approach of “integration-interconnection” of knowledge in
Islamic studies in college. Changes in the system of scientific epistemology of Islam
is a necessity because it will shape the thinking of new Muslims, who can give
guidance to people when entering the era of globalization and to face tremendous
social change, especially in regard understanding Rights for Religious Freedom in
the governance of nation-state. How religious cultural identity remains tethered to
the Islamic spiritual anchor (distinctive value) in the era of globalization, but at
the same time can understand well the value elements that can be shared (shared
values) with community groups and followers of other religions and various religious
groups can be protected internally wherever they are on earth so peaceful and nonconflictual
coexistence can be realized.


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