MANUSIA, ALAM, DAN LINGKUNGAN HIDUPNYA: Membangun “the Ecological Conscience” melalui Pendekatan Filsafat dan Agama


  • Budhy Munawar -Rachman


Budhy Munawar-Rachman

Dosen Sekolah Tinggi Filsafat (STF) Driyarkara;
Program Officer Knowledge Sector, Civil Society and Policy, The Asia Foundation


Human life lately faces tremendous crisis. One sign that the crisis is a matter of
ecology, and the shallowness of our modern understanding of the ecology of human
life in this world. This is especially seen from a hundred years the understanding of
what is called science, and its relation to the understanding of humans and the
environment. This crisis has tarnished the trust in modern trials for human happiness.
The more alternative thinkers who suggest that recovery must come from within
man, not only through political solutions and systemic. This paper would like to
offer philosophical and ecological questions that can explain the journey of human
life. So far, the maps offered by scientism-a-modern materialism has left unanswered
many important problems of human life, including ecological problems. Even think
of it as “not a problem!”. At the end of this paper, the authors tries to elaborate
on the Islamic concept of man and ecology.
I need a short name for what is lacking.
I call it the ecological conscience.
Ecology is the science of communities,
and the ecological conscience is therefore the ethics of community life.
—Aldo Leopold,


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