AGAMA DAN LINGKUNGAN HIDUP Ke Arah Pembentukan Perilaku Etis-Ekologis untuk Mengembangkan Green-Ecology


  • Zainuddin Maliki


Zainuddin Maliki

Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya


Environmental crisis has penetrated into various aspects of the vast dimensions.
Air pollution to this day remains a powerful issue and yet no sign of resolution.
Geographically, widespread environmental degradation and uncontrolled. Global
warming, rain forest deforestation, destruction of biodiversity, climate change are
no longer a local dimension, but have developed a global dimension. The environmental
crisis is caused by complex issues and interwoven. Thus there is a serious problem
related to the desire to build green ecology, an environmental management are
avoided from the non-ethical behavior and destructive toward guarantee sustainability
of natural resources. A formidable challenge ensures the sustainability of the
environment with a variety of species, minerals, and materials that exist in it.
There should be more ethical concept and could be responsible for creating green ¬
ecology that can be enjoyed for next generations.


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