Perancangan Stirling Engine Type Gamma Kapasitas 17cc Berbahan Bakar Ethanol



Stirling Engine, Gamma, Analisis Schmidt, Schmidt Analysis



Stirling engine is an external drive mechanism that enables flexible use of fuel, such as employing both new and old energy sources. The working principle of a stirling engine makes use of variations in power and volume as a result of variations in temperature in the system under test. Stirling engines are known to come in a variety of types, including types alpha, beta, and gamma. Stirling engine type gamma was designed to take into account a number of factors, including system installation, component hitching, and Schmidt theory-based hitching. The stirling engine that is now being used is made up of several primary components, including the flywheel, main shaft, hot and cold cylinders, displacer, cooling fins, piston rod, con-rod displacer, and power piston cylinder and piston. The gamma-type stirling engine has a capacity of 17cc with a low temperature range of 50–300 °C, and its engine efficiency is 43,6% with a minimum-to-maximum pressure range of 134 to 236 kpa and a minimum-to-maximum volume range of 10 to 45 cm3. Using a daytime indication that is less than 1 watt at a 400 rpm. At the conclusion of this passage, a specific Stirling engine is revealed.

Keywords : Stirling Engine, Gamma, Analisis Schmidt


Stirling engine merupakan mesin pembakaran luar sehingga dalam penggunaan bahan bakar dapat bermacam-macam seperti menggunakan energy terbarukan dan tidak terbarukan. Prinsip kerja stirling engine memanfaatkan perbedaan tekanan dan volume akibat dari perbedaan temperature pada system tertutup. Stirling engine dikenal memiliki beberapa type yaitu type alpha, beta dan gamma. Perancangan stirling engine type gamma didesain dengan memperhitungkan beberapa aspek seperti pemilihan system, perhitungan elemen mesin dan perhitungan berdasarkan teori Schmidt. Stirling engine yang dirancang ini terdiri dari beberapa komponen utama seperti hot cylinder, cold cylinder, displacer, cooling fins, piston rod, con-rod displacer, power piston cylinder, power piston, con-rod piston, flywheel dan main shaft. Perancangan stirling engine type gamma ini memiliki kapasitas volume displacement 17cc dengan konsentrasi low temperature 50-300 celcius diperoleh engine efficiency 43,6% dengan tekanan min-max 134-236 kpa dan volume min-max 10-45 cm3. Menghasilkan daya indicator sebesar 1 watt pada putaran motor 400 rpm. Pada akhirnya dalam perancangan ini menghasilkan berupa spesifikasi stirling engine.

Kata kunci : Stirling Engine, Gamma, Analisis Schmidt


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