
Jurnal Civic Hukum charges the following author fees.

The journal charges the post-publication fee of Rp. 500,000 (Five-hundred thousand rupiahs) as support for disseminating wide-open access to research results, managing various costs associated with handling and editing of the submitted manuscripts, and managing journals and publications in general. The author(s) of the article reserved the right of 1 copies of the post-publication printed Journal includes on the post-publication fee*. For authors who withdraw articles without notice to the manager or are known to have been published to other journals, the following costs will be charged: the article that has been reviewed is charged Rp. 750,000, articles in the editing process will cost Rp. 1.000,000. For authors who withdraw the manuscript, apart from paying compensation, they will also be backlisted.

*The cost of an international shipment is excluded from the post-publication fee.