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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  • If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.

Author Guidelines

General Information

Journal of Mechatronic and Electrical Engineering (JMEE) accepts high quality original research and review manuscripts in the area of mechatronic and electrical engineering which have not been published and are not currently in processing of publication elsewhere. However, space of publication for review papers of each issue is limited only for two papers. Minimum number of references for a review paper is 70 references from high impact journals and proceedings in the last five years.

All manuscripts must be submitted to JMEE Editorial Office using Online Submission at e-journal portal, after corresponding author of the manuscript registers online to the journal as Author. If authors have any problems on the online submission, please contact Editorial Office at the following email:

Manuscripts Screening

Every submitted manuscript to JMEE must be passed a screening by Associate Editor (Handling Editor). The first step of screening is to check whether the manuscript is within the scope the journal or not from its title and abstract. The Editor will directly reject the manuscript for this reason. The next step is to check similarity index of the manuscript by using Turnitin software and it must be below than 20%. Other screenings will be based on number and quality of references, structure of the manuscript, unclear novelty and contribution, and number of authors. Single author is not allowed for this journal. Excessive self-citation is also prohibited. In case of these reasons resubmission is required. Please follow the author guidelines strictly to avoid resubmission of manuscripts. Number of pages allowed in this journal is 8-15 pages using the provided template.

Reviewing of Manuscripts

Submitted manuscript that passes editors’ screening will be sent to least two peer-reviewers and is independently reviewed in double-blind review method. The reviewers consist of qualified outside/external reviewers and members of Editorial Board. Editor decision for publication, amendment, or rejection is based upon reviewers’ comments and recommendation. If two or more reviewers consider the manuscript is not suitable for publication in this journal, the decision of rejection will be sent by Editor to the authors along with reviewers comments. Normally, reviewers’ recommendation for rejection are based on unclear or lacks of novelty, originality, and contribution or fundamental mistakes in the method or results. Results of the review will be sent to the authors within 4-12 weeks.

Revision of Manuscripts

Reviewed manuscript will be sent back to the authors for revision along with comments from reviewers and Editor. Then, the manuscripts should be returned to the Editor within a specified time without delay. Deadlines for manuscripts returning after revision could be vary due to type of revision required: without revision, minor revision, or major revision. Revised manuscripts are sent back to editorial office of the journal using the same account through online submission system. Revised manuscript that returned later than three months will be considered as new submission. In case the manuscripts are major revision, revised manuscripts will be resent to the same reviewers and other revisions could be possible to request by reviewers until the reviewers are satisfied.

Manuscripts Acceptance and Publication

A manuscript will be declared to be ACCEPTED if the revision satisfies the reviewers and all Editor's requests on the manuscript are fulfilled. Letter of Acceptance (LoA) will be sent to the authors once the manuscript is declared to be accepted along with copy right statement. Final check on the manuscript will be requested by Editor to the authors before the manuscript uploaded for publication. If the accepted manuscript will not be published for coming issue, the manuscript can be published as in press manuscript.

Manuscripts Preparation Guidelines

The manuscript texts can be written in Bahasa Indonesia or English (see JMEE Templates). If the manuscript is written in Bahasa Indonesia, the abstract must be appeared in two languages: Bahasa Indonesia and English. The main text of a manuscript well-typed in single column on A4 size paper, using Arial font 10 pt. The manuscript must be submitted as Word document (.doc) or Rich Text Format (.rtf) file. The manuscript is written in IMRAD structure and consists of tittle, authors name list, affiliation, abstract, keywords, introduction, method, results and discussion, conclusion, acknowledgment, and references.

Parts of the manuscript are explained as follows:

a. Title

A title should express the main contents of the paper and is composed of maximum of 15 words. It cannot contain formulas and infrequently-used abbreviations. It must be informative, clear, concise, accurate, unambiguous, and specific. An attractive title is an opportunity to attract the reader’s attention. Remember that readers are the potential authors who will cite your paper. Identify the main issues of the paper such as subject of the paper, the objective(s), the proposed method; and the most significant finding of the paper. It may begin with the objective(s), the proposed method, or the main finding of the paper. As examples:

A Comparative Experimental Study of Robust Sliding Mode ….

Adaptive Backstepping Sliding Mode Control for ….

High Precision Control of Servo Motor Positioning Using ….

b.   Authors’ Name

Full name is written without academic degrees and titles. Authors can be categorized into four types: main author, first author, corresponding author, and co-author(s).  The first author also can be marked as corresponding author that calls as main author or shared to one of the authors. The corresponding author is the author who guarantees content of the paper; submits the manuscript to the journal; signing the copy right, and communicates with Editor. Avoid to put single author in the authors names list, and this journal requires at least two authors. In case name of the author is a single name, the name can be written twice. Also do not write the last name in short for those who has the name two or more words for citation reason. As examples:

Zulfatman Zulfatman#1, Amrul Faruq2, Ermanu A. Hakim1 or

Zulfatman Zulfatman1, Amrul Faruq2, Ermanu A. Hakim#1

c.   Affiliation

All authors name must be supported by complete affiliation and address. Email of the corresponding author also needs to be stated. If there exist two or more authors from different affiliations, write only one affiliation for those who are coming from the same affiliation. As example, based on the authors name above, the affiliation can be written as follows:

1 - Department of Electrical Engineering

     Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

     Jl. Raya Tlogomas No. 246, Malang, Indonesia 65144

2 - Department of Electronic Systems Engineering

     Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology,

     Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

     Jalan Sultan Yahya Petra, Kampung Datuk Keramat, 54100,

     Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

#   Corresponding Author: or

d.   Abstract and Keywords

Abstract must be written in approximately 200-250 words and is comprised of short sentence on the research problems (optional), the objective(s) of the study, the proposed method, the results (findings), and conclusion of the findings. An abstract must be standalone without citation or formulation. Consider that the abstract is the front desk of your paper. Abstract should tell the prospective readers what interesting things you did and highlight the key findings. Avoid using technical jargon and uncommon abbreviations. Each sentence in abstract must be clear, accurate, brief, and specific. Use words which reflect the precise meaning and honest.

Keywords must be written in 3-5 keywords in English or Bahasa Indonesia as a single word or a group of words, from the most specific to more general words (terms) from: subject of the paper, the problem(s), the proposed method; and the findings of the paper. Keywords are the face of your article and critical to choose the correct words for indexing and searching purposes. Therefore the keywords should represent the content and key points of your paper. Use only those abbreviations that are firmly established in the field. 

This paper presents a new adaptive sliding mode control (ASMC) scheme that uses the time-delay estimation (TDE) technique, then applies the scheme to robot manipulators. The proposed ASMC uses a new adaptive law to achieve good tracking performance with small chattering effect. The new adaptive law considers an arbitrarily small vicinity of the sliding manifold, in which the derivatives of the adaptive gains are inversely proportional to the sliding variables. Such an adaptive law provides remarkably fast adaptation and chattering reduction near the sliding manifold. To yield the desirable closed-loop poles and simplify a complicated system model by adapting feedback compensation, the proposed ASMC scheme works together with a pole-placement control (PPC) and a TDE technique. It is shown that the tracking errors of the proposed ASMC scheme are guaranteed to be uniformly ultimately bounded (UUB) with arbitrarily small bound. The practical effectiveness and the fast adaptation of the proposed ASMC are illustrated in simulations and experiments with robot manipulators, and compared with those of an existing ASMC.

Keywords: Adaptive Sliding-Mode Control (ASMC); Fast Adaptation; Time-delay Estimation; Robot Manipulators

Source:    Baek et al.: A New Adaptive Sliding-Mode Control Scheme for Application to Robot Manipulators, IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 63, No. 6, June 2016

e.   Introduction

The introduction must be written using simple sentences and consists of: (1) research background; (2) research problem(s); (3) critical review on the previous/current research works related to the problem(s) (state of the art); (4) statements that express critical analytics on the previous works reviewed in the state of the art as part(s) that solved in the research (gap analysis), and (5) objective(s) of the research. This section could also provide contribution(s) or implication(s) of the research and brief explanation on the organization of the paper. Length of the introduction will be depend on the number of the problems covered in the research. More research problems will require longer state of the arts. Capability of the authors to provide clear background and problem(s) of the research will attract the potential readers to go deeper to the rest of the paper.

In writing state of the art, new and high quality references from high impact journals and conference proceedings are required to make sure the claim of the novelty and originality are proven. References cited in the state of the art must be published within the last 5 years in sufficient quantities (min. 10 references). Do not describe the state of the art author by author, but it should be presented as group per method or topic reviewed. The main references (bench mark) of the research might be reviewed more details than others in the last part of the state of the art.

In order to highlight the novelty and contribution(s) of the research, gap analysis must be stated clearly to see what are the something new and also how many and what kind of contributions produced by the research. The contributions can be theoretical contributions (new method or new model), empirical contributions (investigation or examination), or methodological contributions (implementation with further improvements).

The introduction must be written in single line spacing using Arial font 10 pt as suggested in JMEE’s templates. Moreover, authors must be aware on the use of abbreviation. Most of abbreviations will be defined in this section. As example, when in the first paragraph of introduction is appeared Sliding Mode Control (SMC), so in the rest of the paper it will be appeared as SMC. Organization and citation of the bibliography are made in IEEE style [1]. Every sentence that refers to other studies should be cited [2] to avoid plagiarism. Citation numbers must appear sequentially at their first appearance [3], [4] and write all together for several related references [5]-[9].

f.    Methods

Principally, the methods should be written as details as possible to make readers be able to reproduce the results of the research as close as possible with the results provided by the authors. Methods that already published by others should not be rewritten in details except new methods or methods with relevant modifications. It is just introduced in brief and followed by citation of original references of the method. 

Basically, this section describes the way of the research was done to answer the research problems. Mostly research methods in engineering area are theoretical, empirical, and case study basis. In general, this section is composed of (1) research design; (2) the proposed model and methods/techniques; (3) instruments and software for data collection; (4) instruments and software setup for data collection (for simulation or experimental), and (5) data analysis techniques. However, this structure also can be modified according to the method applied in the research.

It is suggested that the authors avoid to organize this section into smaller subheading than second subheading. In addition, using block diagram, flowchart, and illustration figure are more suggested than a long explanation by text.

g.   Results and Discussion

The first part of this section is the results. The results actually are presented to proof the hypothesis or answer the questions/problems of the research. The results can be expressed in the form of graphs, tables, and images that are recognized as figures or tables. Make sure the results produced have already proven the hypothesis or answer the question of the research. Avoid to produce redundant results, such as presenting a graph and a table from the same data. The important part of the results also can be highlighted or zoomed to get attention from the readers.

The second part of this section is discussion. Discussion is the most important section of your paper. The discussion is aimed to: (1) answer the problems and research questions; (2) show the ways of the findings obtained; (3) interpret the findings; (4) relate the findings to the settled-knowledge structure; (5) bring up new theories or modify the existing theories. In discussing the results, the authors are guided by three question marks: what, why, and what-else.

Individual figure or table and a group of figures or tables must be explained narratively. The narrations are made by explaining what is happening with the data inside the graphs, tables, and images. Here we need to explain general pattern of the data and also the interesting things or the unique parts of the data. The phenomena that displayed in the data are identified as the findings. Also, do not rewrite the data inside the graph or table in narration to avoid redundancy.

Then the discussion continues by explaining why the proposed methods produce the phenomena and how the others produce their results in solving the same problem (what else). In writing why, interpreting the findings should be done by using logics and present theories. Citations on the theories are needed. In order to bring up the what-else, the findings must be compared and integrated to previous researches or present theories. This must be supported by reliable references and cited. Normally, the cited references have already mentioned or reviewed in the state of the art of the paper. In case the researchers bring a new theories, the old theories can be confirmed or rejected, or modify the old theories.

h.   Conclusion

Conclusions are made as short as possible and are used to express three things includes: the achievement of the objectives, conclusion of the findings, and expressing the contributions of the research. As example:

Adaptive robust control scheme that optimized with genetic algorithm and combined with nonlinear disturbance observer has been successfully designed and tested on a microhydro power plant guide vane (the achievement of the objectives). The simulation and experimental results show that the proposed control scheme be able to increase the precision of the guide positioning, even though the load changes with a large magnitude and a high frequency (conclusion of the findings). By producing more precise positioning for the guide vane, the governor's performance in controlling the generator frequency would be better against the changes of load. This also will improve the quality of the power produced by micro hydro power plant (implications of the findings).

i.    Acknowledgement 

This section can be written in case there are certain parties need to be acknowledged, such as research sponsors/funding supporter. Include individuals who have assisted you in your research: advisors, financial supporters, or another supporter, i.e. Proofreaders, Typists, and suppliers, who may have given materials. Do not acknowledge one of the author’s names. The acknowledgement must be written in brief and clear. In addition, avoid the hyperbole acknowledgment. As example:

This study is supported by Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Technology (Kemenristekdikti) Indonesia through Penelitian Terapan Unggulan Perguruan Tinggi (PTUPT) Grant. Authors are grateful to the Ministry for their support on the present work.

j.    References

Citation and referencing must be written based on IEEE referencing style which is organized by using Mendeley of other software.

The minimum number of references used in manuscript is 20 references and are written by using IEEE Style. Most of the references must be taken from reputable international journals and high quality conference proceedings. The main references must be published within the last five years. DOI hyperlink must be provided if available. All references should be from the most pertinent and up-to-date sources. The references and citation are mandatorily written by using reference manager apps such as Mendeley. Please write the references by using the following provided guidance:

[1]      S. Li and Z. Liu, “Adaptive speed control for permanent-magnet synchronous motor system with variations of load inertia,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., Vol. 56(8), pp. 3050-3059, Aug. 2009.

[2]       X. Sun, C. Hu, G. Lei, Y. Guo, and J. Zhu, “State feedback control for a PM hub motor based on gray wolf optimization algorithm,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., Vol. 35(1), pp. 1136-1146, Jan. 2020, doi: 10.1109/TPEL.2019.2923726.

[3]       Z. Xiaoguang, Z. Ke, and S. Li, “A PMSM sliding mode control system based on a novel reaching law,” in Proc. Int. Conf. Elect. Mach. Syst., Aug. 2011, pp. 1-5.

[4]       J. P. Mishra, X. Yu, M. Jalili, and Y. Feng, “On fast terminal sliding-mode control design for higher order systems,” in Proc. 42nd Annu. Conf. IEEE Ind. Electron. Soc., Florence, Italy, 2016, pp. 252–257.

[5]       J.-J. Slotine and W. Li, Applied Nonlinear Control. Englewood Cliffs, NJ, USA: Prentice-Hall, 1991.

[6]       B. D. O. Anderson and J. B. Moore, Optimal Control: Linear Quadratic  Methods. Englewood Cliffs, NJ, USA: Prentice-Hall, 1990.

[7]       Z. Zulfatman, Robust Adaptive Control with Disturbance Observer for a Class of Electro Hydraulic Actuator Systems. PhD Thesis, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 2015.

[8]      Y. Yorozu, M. Hirano, K. Oka, and Y. Tagawa, “Electron spectroscopy studies on magneto-optical media and plastic substrate interface,” IEEE Transl. J. Magn. Japan, vol. 2, pp. 740–741, August 1987 [Digests 9th Annual Conf. Magnetics Japan, p. 301, 1982].


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