Overall Editorial Process

The manuscript will undergone the following stages:

1. An innitial screening will be conducted by the Editors to assess the suitability of publication based on the scope, focus and writing standards of the journal. Successfully passing this stage means the manuscript will proceed to the next stage.

2. The manuscript will be double-blind reviewed by two reviewers. The Editors select two reviewers based on their research expertise and the topic of the manuscripts. The reviewers will provide comments and choose a decision within the following responses:

a. Accepted for publication

b. Minor Revision

c. Major Revision

d. Rejection

3. If the manuscript receives an 'accepted for publication' decision from both reviewers, the authors will be notifiend to sign a  manuscript originality letter and sent it's scanned copy to the Editors before a Letter of Acceptance can be produced.

4. After the Letter of Acceptance produced, the manuscript will be sent to a layouter. The reformatterd manuscript will finally be published.