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Journal of Forest Science Avicennia only publishes articles have not been published and not in the process to publish in other scientific periodicals. The publication in JFSA of articles already printed in other journals is entirely the responsibility of the author(s).
Journal of Forest Science Avicennia accepts research papers, short communications, and reviews written in either Bahasa Indonesia or English. Authors should refer to the instructions below when preparing their manuscripts.
Research papers should be concise, focused on new results and data. It should be no longer than about 20 printed pages. They should contain 10 - 30 references (approx.). Short Communications should be short reports of original studies of limited scope and no longer than about 8 printed pages. Reviews should be overview articles of recent advances in the research of selected topics. The structure of review papers should follow the instructions below, except that there is no need to have “Material and methods”, “Results” and discussion” sections. The length of review papers may vary according to the importance of the material. They should contain more than 20 references (approx.).
Manuscript is submitted to:
Editors of Journal of Forest Science
Departement of Forestry, Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, University
Muhammadiyah Malang
Tlogomas Street 246th, Malang 65144, East Java.
Telp. +62-341-464316, Fax. +62-341-460435 ; E-mail:
Manuscript is written in the following orders:
Illustration; can be in the form of figures arranged professionally, manually or digitally. All figures should be in the form of JPEG.
Graph; maximum of 8.5 cm wide made using Microsoft Excel program. Numbers and characters for figure explanation written in Constantia font 9 point size.
Numbers and characters in title and explanation written in in Constantia font 9 point size. Abbreviation and any note necessary are written in the below of the table
Authors are advised to supply photograph with good contrast either in coloured or black and white and related to the text, must be titled and given clear remarks in numbered figure.
In-text citations
- Ensure that all references cited in text are listed in Literature Cited and vice versa. The citations follow Conservation Biology format.
- In most cases, enclose citations in text in parentheses :
“ In some trees, grain may spiral in one direction for several years and then reverse direction to spiral oppositely (Shmulsky & Jones 2011).” is better than “According to Shmulsky and Jones (2011), In some trees, grain may spiral.....”
- Use an ampersand (&) between author surnames when the citation is parenthetical: (Kozlowsky & Pallardy 1997).
- When a citation is not parenthetical, use and: “These findings are consistent with the predictions of Mayer and Koch (2007).
- For citations with more than two authors, use et al.: (Marsoem et al. 2015). Do not italicize et al.
- List parenthetical citations chronologically (from oldest to most recent) and separate entries with a semicolon: (Siddique et al. 2012; Alemaheyu et al. 2014).
- Separate the years with commas when citing multiple papers by the same author: (Widyorini et al. 2015, 2016; Umemura et al. 2014).
Literature Cited section
- Provide the full names of all journal titles. Do not italicize titles.
- If there are more than 10 authors, use et al. (Singarimbun M, et al.) instead of listing the names of all authors.
- Papers in review and personal communications should not be included in Literature Cited.
- Proceedings and abstracts from conferencesmay be cited only if they have a “publisher” and the location of the publisher (or the organization from which the document may be obtained) can be provided.
- Written with name-year system and arranged alphabetically refer to Conservation Biology format as the examples below:
Apse MP, Aharon GS, Snedden WA, Blumwald E. 1999. Salt tolerance conferred by over-expression of a vacuolar Na+/H+ antiport in Arabidopsis. Science 285:1256-1258.
McMillin WC. 1970. Mineral content of loblolly pine wood as related to specific gravity, growth rate, and distance from pith. Holzforschung 15:1-5.
Online Jurnal
Hurteau MD. 2017. Quantifying the carbon balance of forest restoration and wildfire under projected climate in the fire-prone Southwestern US. PLoS ONE 12(1): e0169275. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0169275
Fitter AH & Hay RKM. 2002. Environmental physiology of plants. Pages 367-369. Academic Press, San Diego..
Edited book/Chapter in Book
Compton T. 1990. Degenerate primers for DNA amplification. Pages. 39-45 in Innis MA, Gelfand DH, Sninsky JJ, White TJ, editor. PCR Protocol: A guide to methods and applications. Academic Press, California.
Quarles SL, Valachovic Y. 2012. Using wood quality measures to evaluate second-growth redwood. Pages 553-559. General Technical Report PSW-GTR-238. 553-559. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Albany, California.
Poedjirahajoe E. 2007. Pengelompokan mangrove berdasarkan faktor habitat di Pantai Utara Jawa Tengah. Laporan DPP Fakultas Kehutanan, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta
Sumiarsih SR. 2008. Initial evaluation of progeny trial of ebony (Diospyros celebica) in South Sulawesi. Dissertation (Unpublished). Faculty of Forestry, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta.
Internet sources other than journals:
Include the name of the organization hosting the website, their geographical location, and access date (month year).
Belcher BM. 2003. Towards a harmonized definition of non-wood forest products. FAO, Rome, Italy. Avalaible from (accessed January 2017).
In press manuscripts:
Officially accepted manuscripts may be cited as in press in Literature Cited as the examples below :
Andayani W, Purwanto RH, Riyanto S. 2017. Bucking policy optimization of teak log to increase the income of KPH Madiun. Jurnal Ilmu Kehutanan 11: in press.