

Celtic: A Journal of Culture, English Language Teaching, Literature and Linguistics, is published biannually, on June and December. For the June publication, this journal opens for manuscript submission since 1st of March on a yearly basis. Likewise, for the December publication, this journal opens for manuscript submission since 1st of September on a yearly basis. This journal is managed by the English Language Education Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Muhammadiyah Malang.

This journal welcomes articles in the form of research reports or library research on English Language Teaching, Literature, Linguistics, and Culture. ISSN 2356-0401 (print)2621-9158 (online); the article submission and publication are free of charge. CELTIC has been indexed in DOAJ, SINTA (Sinta 3), Google Scholar, BASE, Crossref, Garuda, Dimension, ROAD, and Harvard Library.

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