Review Guide Form

Review Guide Form

Jurnal Dedikasi

Volume     , Issue      , Month / 20



Manuscript title

Please describe in brief what is the main topic of this article.

Please describe your opinions regarding academic depth, suitability, accuracy of questions and research methodology.

Please describe your opinion regarding the academic depth, suitability, accuracy of the analysis and conclusions of the study.

Please describe your opinion regarding the accuracy and completeness of references / bibliography.


Please describe your opinion regarding the uniqueness or scientific contribution of this article.

Please describe your opinion regarding the title of this article (proper title, concise, and clear or not).

Please write another review that has not been covered above.



☐ Manuscripts can be published without changes


☐Manuscripts can be published if the Author has made a revision in accordance with the results of the improvements that have been made by the Reviewer (please write an outline of the revisions to the text, and the revised text please return to us)

☐Manuscripts can be published with improvements to the format and language that is sufficiently done by the Editor (please write if there are specifics below)

☐Manuscripts cannot be published (please write the reason)

You can download Review Guide Form of Jurnal Dedikasi