Improving teacher quality through classroom action research




Teacher quality, Classroom action research, PAUD ‘Aisyiyah teachers


Classroom Action Research Training for Aisyiyah PAUD Central Java Teachers to Improve the Quality of Learning delivered by the Principal and Teacher Training of PAUD 'Aisyiyah PWA Central Java, this activity aims to: 1) instill awareness in PAUD 'Aisyiyah teachers on the importance of Classroom Action Research 2) improve skills prepare proposals for Classroom Action Research 3) provide assistance related to Classroom Action Research, 4) train teachers to be able to provide treatment to the subjects studied, so that they experience positive changes. The methods used in this training are presentations, discussions, case studies. This training activity was attended by 142 teachers from PAUD 'Aisyiyah in Central Java. The results of the service are theoretically successful, this can be seen from the enthusiasm of the training participants who actively ask questions about the problems they encounter related to the steps of preparing the CAR proposal, but judging from the practice of preparing the proposal the results have not been satisfactory, because only 15% of participants can prepare a CAR proposal properly. and 33% is considered sufficient, while 52% of participants have not succeeded in compiling a CAR proposal. It is not easy to write CAR, it requires independent effort training from the teacher concerned to solve the problems faced in PBM. In general, PAUD 'Aisyiyah Central Java teachers need further assistance in writing Classroom Action Research.


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How to Cite

Amalia, N., & Wilis, F. (2021). Improving teacher quality through classroom action research. Journal of Community Service and Empowerment, 2(3), 133–139.


