Implementasi Supervisi Akademik Kepala Sekolah SMP Negeri di Tarakan
Implementasi Supervisi Akademik Kepala Sekolah
SMP Negeri di Tarakan
Pengawas Sekolah Dinas Pendidikan Kota Tarakan
This research objective was to know: 1) the feasibility of academic supervision program by principal, 2) the feasibility of academic supervision by principal, 3) the follow up of academic supervision by principal. This research used qualitative approach while the data analysis used descriptive analysis by observation, interview and document analysis. The result showed that the feasibility of the planning of academic supervision program was implemented by principal, its application of the principle of the planning of supervision program had not implemented entirely, the target scope of the achievement of supervision program still used one aspect, the implementation of academic supervision averagely was implemented once or twice every year, the supervision technique tended to individual supervision, which was applied by traditional supervision through direct observation. Supervision assessment was oriented to completeness of administration and focus on class supervision, the supervision result had not been organized meticulously, the follow up of supervision result was more focused on direct guidance.
Keywords: Implementation, academic supervision, the school principal.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui : 1) keterlaksanaan program supervisi akademik oleh kepala sekolah, 2) keterlaksanaan supervisi akademik oleh kepala sekolah, 3) tindak lanjut hasil supervisi akademik oleh kepala sekolah. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, yaitu data yang digunakan berasal dari obyek, tempat dan prosedur yang digunakan prosedur tak baku karena data berasal dari kondisi yang nyata di SMP Negeri Tarakan tentang implementasi supervisi akademik. Analisis data penelitian ini adalah analisis deskriptif melalui kegiatan observasi, wawancara dan studi dokumen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan keterlaksanaan perencanaan program supervisi akademik yang dilaksanakan kepala sekolah penerapan prinsip perencanaan program supervisi belum secara menyeluruh, lingkup sasaran pencapaian program supervisi masih menggunakan satu aspek, pelaksanaan supervisi akademik secara rata-rata terlaksana satu sampai dua kali setiap tahun, teknik supervisi cenderung pada supervisi individu supervisi yang diterapkan supervisi tradisional melalui observasi langsung. Penilaian supervisi berorientasi pada kelengkapan administrasi dan terfokus pada supervisi kelas, hasil supervisi belum diorganisasi secara cermat, tindak lanjut hasil supervisi lebih berfokus pembinaan langsung.
Kata kunci: Implementasi, supervisi akademik, kepala sekolah.
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