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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Articles are the author’s original work.
  • Articles have never been published or given to the other publication media.
  • Articles have relevance to the field of Business Management.
  • Articles should be in the form of Research Articles.
  • Published articles don’t always reflect the Editor’s view.

Author Guidelines




  1. Articles are the author’s original work.
  2. Articles have never been published or given to the other publication media.
  3. Articles have relevance to the field of Business Management.
  4. Articles should be in the form of Research Articles.
  5. Published articles don’t always reflect the Editor’s view.



  1. Articles are typed in A4 paper size.
  2. The maximum page of each article is 15 pages including the bibliography.
  3. The size of the margin used is 3 cm above, 3 cm left, 3 cm below, and 3 cm right.
  4. The articles are written on Times New Roman, size 12pt.
  5. The size of the space used is 1 space.
  6. The indentation used is 1 cm.
  7. Articles are given page numbers in sequence.
  8. Articles writing style must be consistent from the beginning till the end.
  9. The citation must be managed by citation managers such as Mendeley, Zotero, or EndNote.
  10. Article written in one column format
  11. Reference must be in sync with the citations used in the articles and used the American Psychological Association (APA) style.
  12. Articles file must be submitted in Microsoft Word format.
  13. Articles must be written in English
  14. The Systematics of the written article is as follows:
    1. Title
    2. Author's name
    3. Affiliations / Institutions
    4. Email (Correspondent Author / First Author)
    5. Abstract
    6. Keywords
    7. Preliminary
    8. Literature review
    9. Research methods
    10. Results and DiscussionS
    11. Conclusions
    12. References

Note: All of the article’s content must be written in narrative form, or not allowed to write in bullet points or use bullet and numbering. 




  1. The title is presented in an informative, concise, and exciting manner and consists of 15-25 words.
  2. The article title is written using Times New Roman, size 14pt, bold.
  3. Add space after (1 space)



  1. The author’s name is written in Times New Roman size 12pt. Affiliation and e-mail are written in Times New Roman size 10pt.
  2. Author’s name using the full name.
  3. The Affiliation tailored to the author’s institution.
  4. After the email adds 1 space.



  1. The abstract must be consisting of a brief description of the objectives, methods, results of the study, and conclusions.
  2. The abstract is written using Times New Roman, size 12pt, 1 space, italic.
  3. The abstract consist of 200-250 words
  4. Abstract’s paragraphs must be written in left and right alignment (justify).
  5. After the last line of the abstract add one space before writing keywords.



  1. Keywords describe important concepts or variables in the article, to facilitate the searching
  2. Keywords are written 1 space below the abstracts.
  3. Keywords consist of at least 3 words and a maximum of 5 words.
  4. The word "Keywords" must be written in bold.



  1. The contents of the article must be written using Times New Roman, size 12pt, and in justify.
  2. The indentation used is 1 cm
  3. The chapters that should be in the article are as follows: (a) title, (b) author's name without academic title, affiliation, email, (c) abstract, (d) keywords, (e) introduction, (f) literature review, (g) research methods, (h) result and discussion, (i) conclusions, (j) references. Note: all of the articles must be written in a narrative style, not allowed using bullet and numbering, and not allowed to make sub-chapters
  4. Writing terms in other languages or abbreviations in another language are written in italic
  5. The contents of the article are written in one column format
  6. All figures (charts, pictures, photographs, and histograms) in the article must be accompanied by its source, title, and a sequential number of images. The title is placed below the figure, and the source is written under the figure before the title of the image. The source is written in Times New Roman size 10pt.  All figures must be followed by its explanation or description.
  7. Tables written in articles must be accompanied by sources, table titles, and sequential table numbers. The title is placed at the top of the table, and the source is written below the table. The source of the table is written in Times New Roman size 10pt. The contents of the table are typed in Times New Roman, size 10pt. No table contents are printed in bold. The format of tables is not permitted in the form of images (in jpg) or screen capture.  All tables must be followed by its explanation or description. Writing number in decimals using point (.), not a comma.
  8. Previous studies cited in the articles must be written in the name of the original author and the year of articles cited. If the author is more than 2, then at the beginning of the article all the author's names must be included in the article. But if it is mentioned again, then the second, third, and so on writers can use a summary, et al., As in the following example:

First Writing:

Knowledge management orientation is a multidimensional concept that reflects the tendency of companies to manage information or knowledge that is owned or new to be disseminated, absorbed, and assimilated as new knowledge and used as a reference for corporate policymaking. (Wang, Hult, Ketchen, and Ahmed, 2009).

Second, third, and so on:

• Indirect quotation

  • 1 author: Aaron (2001)
  • 2 authors: Kotler and Keller (2014)
  • More than two authors: Wang, et al. (2002)

• Direct quotation

  • 1 author: (Aaron, 2001)
  • 2 authors: (Kotler and Keller, 2014)
  • More than two authors: (Wang, et al., 2002)

Note: In the research and discussion section, it is not permitted to explain research instrument test results (validity and reliability tests) because they are in the pre-empirical stage. Results and discussion chapter specifically explain the result of the research.


  1. The citation must be managed by citation managers such as Mendeley, Zotero, or EndNote.
  2. References are written sorted alphabetically by the APA style (based on the author's last name).
  3. Use primary references from journals for a maximum of the last ten years
  4. The minimum references used are 15, preferably from reputable national and international journals.
  5. References only consist of references that are cited in the article.
  6. The reference wrote in a hanging format with a distance of 1 cm.
Write a reference that is sourced from books.

Author's last name, author's first name. Year. Book title. Publisher City. The name of the publisher


Luthans, Fred. 2005. Organizational Behavior 10th Edition. New York. The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc

Write a reference which is sourced from the website/internet address

Author's last name, author's first name. Year. Book title. [On line]. Website Address


Subambang, Budiono, 2004. Kajian Inkubator Investasi Daerah Sebuah Pemikiran untuk Mendukung Pengembangan Ekonomi Lokal. Available online at http://www/

Write a reference sourced from the institutional website

Name of institution. Year. Book title. [On line]. From: Website address


Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang. 2017. Pedoman Penulisan Karya Ilmiah. [On line]. Dari:

Write a reference sourced from journals

Author's last name, author's first name. Year. Journal Title. Journal Name, Volume, Number, Page.


Widayat. 2008. Penentu Perilaku Berinvestasi. Ekonomika Bisnis. Vol.01 No.02. 2008. Pp. 111-127

Write a reference of more than five people in one book

Author's first name 1, author's first name 1., Author's last name 2, author's first name 2., etc. Year. Book title. Publisher City. The name of the publisher.


Two persons

Weston, J.F. and T.E. Copeland. 2002. Managerial Finance. Ninth Editions. Orlando: The Dryden Press.

Three people

Moh'd, M.A., L.G. Pery., And N.J. Rimbey 2001. The Impact of Ownership Structure on Corporate Debt Policy: A Time-Series Cross-Section Analysis. Financial Review. August, Vol. 33, 8599.

Four people

Widagdo, Bambang., Widayat., Yulianti, Uci., and Rumijati, Aniek. 2014. Guidelines for Writing Article. Malang: UMM Press.

Write a reference of more than five people in one book

Author's first name 1, author's first name 1, Author's last name 2, author's first name 2., etc.Year. Book title. Publisher City. The name of the publisher


Widagdo, Bambang., Widayat., Mohyi, Achmad., Yuliati, Uci., Rumijati, Aniek., Irawati, Sandra. 2014. Guidelines for Writing Article. Malang: UMM Press

Write a reference from the Book if the writer is an editor

Author's last name 1, author's first name 1., Ed or eds. Year. Book title. Publisher City. The name of the publisher


Angmar, Deris., Ed. 2014. Creativity for Writing Narration. Malang: Delov, Inc.

Write a reference of books consisting of many editions

Author's last name 1, author's first name 1. Year. Book title (edition). Publisher City. The name of the publisher


Wilber, Ken. 2000. A Theory of Everything (third ed.). Boston: Shambhala Publications, Inc.

Write a reference from the book which is the result of the publication of an institution

Name of institution. Year. Book title. Publisher City. The name of the publisher


LIPI. 2016. Indonesian Population Per capita Data in Figures. Jakarta: LIPI Press

 Write a reference for the results of the translation

Author's last name, author's first name. Year. Book title. Tr. City Publisher. The name of the publisher


Wilber, Ken. 2000. A Theory of Everything. Tr. Taufik. Malang: Delov, Inc.

Write a reference of a thesis / dissertation / paper (unpublished)

Author's last name, author's first name. Year. Thesis/dissertation title. Thesis / dissertation from (institution name)


Tambunan, Tulus T.H. 2011. MSMEs, Entrepreneurship, and Government Policies: The Story from Indonesia. Paper presented at the National Seminar: Strengthening MSMEs as Leading Indonesian Economic Sector. October. UMM

Write a reference of documents

Document name. Year. Document title. Publisher City. The name of the publisher


Central Bureau of Statistics BPS Malang. 2000.  Figures Malang in 2000. Jakarta: BPS.

Write a reference from magazines/newspapers

Author's last name, author's first name. Article Title. Magazine/newspaper name, magazine/newspaper publication date, article page. Publisher City. Publisher Name.


Angmar, Deris. The success of Friendship. Kompas, 23 February 2014, Pages: 1. Malang: The Malang compass.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.