Integrating The Working Environment and Social Rewards to Measure Employee Performance


  • Dwi Wahyu Artiningsih Universitas Islam Kalimantan
  • Defin Shahrial Putra
  • Ervica Zamilah



Social Rewards, Physical Environment, Non-Physical Environment, Higher Education Employee, HEP


The importance of working environment, either physical or non-physical is remain important in todays research avenue. This research integrates the working environment either the physical and non-physical environment with social rewards to compare its effect on employee performance. The study employed quantitative approach involving 252 respondents of higher education employee in Banjarmasin. The data analysed using multi linear regression to test the hypotheses. The results of this study indicates that physical environment doesn’t support the hypotheses. However the results also indicates that social rewards is the most considerable variable comparing to non-physical work environment. This research contributes to the current literature by integrating the work environment and social rewards. Further discussion is organized by introduction section, literature review, methodology, results and discussion and conclusion.


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