
Journal of Regional and Disaster Studies (JRDS) aims to be a dialogue space for researchers in regional and disaster studies regarding economic, social, cultural, environmental and technological issues in regional areas of Indonesia or the world. The typical goal of regional and disaster studies is to connect cross-disciplinary insights systematically and down-to-earthly to understand how and why regions and cities develop, the policies involved in them, and the disaster potential, mitigation, and technology in one or more areas. The journal encourages various perspectives and analytical techniques in the studies conducted.



Regional Studies

  • Geographical Dimensions of Urban and Regional Economies
  • Policies Related to Cities and Regions
  • Contemporary Issues in Regional Studies
  • Population Migration Phenomenon
  • Spatial Disparity
  • Ecological Economics Study

Disaster Studies

  • Disaster Mitigation
  • Disaster Technology
  • Social, Cultural, and Economic Impact
  • Disaster Education
  • Vulnerable Groups
  • Local Disaster Wisdom