Author Guideline

Author Guidelines

  1. Articles published in Jurnal Partisipatoris are articles that are derived from the results of research, studies and critical analysis, as well as conceptual thinking in the field of Sociology. The article has never been published and is not in the process of publishing in other scientific publications.
  2. The author of the article is a researcher, practitioner, lecturer, teacher or expert who has expertise in the field of Sociology.
  3. Articles are written in English with the systematics of writing as follows;
  4. Writing systematics:


-        Writing of the title must reflect the contents of the writing. If the title is too long, it should be broken down into main titles and subtitles.

-        The number of characters is between 8 to 14 words.

Author's name

-     The author's name is included without a title and is given a footnote, and the author's institutional affiliation (without a position) and address and contact person can be contacted, if there is an e-mail address.


-          Abstract length of 100-250 words.

-          Abstract uses English

-          If the article is written is the result of research, then the abstract must contain the research background, research objectives, methods used, and results or conclusions



-          The keywords are written under an abstract of 3-5 words and are written in alphabetical order.


Structure of the Manuscript

a. Research result

  • The introduction contains background, problems, objectives, and scope of research (do not need to be divided into several subs).
  • Research methods, explain place and time, and approaches and analysis used (more applicable).
  • Results contain data presentation.
  • Discussion of discussing data with relevant theories or concepts and conveying findings.
  • Conclusions of answering the research problem formulation, and suggestions (if any).
  • Acknowledgments are addressed to all people or parties involved or assisting in settlement of research activities (if any).
  • References in the form of literature used or quoted in the manuscript.
  • Attachment (if necessary).

b. Conceptual Thought, Study and Critical Analysis

  • Preliminary
    • Sub Topics; the number of subtopics (subtitles) tailored to the needs. Not numbered, bold, using the format written Garamond with font 13.
    • Conclusion; summary of the discussion.
    • Statement of thank you for all people or parties involved (if any).
    • Reference library in the form of literature used or quoted in the text.
    • Attachment (if necessary)


5. Writing format

-        Manuscripts are typed using the Garamond with 13 fonts with 1.5 spaces on A4 paper along 10-25 pages.

-        Tables, pictures, and charts are numbered; title and source do not need to be framed.

-        Tables only use horizontal lines (without vertical lines)

-        Text in a table typed in single spaces.

-        Writing a bibliography is distinguished between books, journals, theses/dissertations, articles from the internet, and other references and arranged sequentially in alphabetical order.

-        Use the running note to mention the source of the quote, not the footnote or endnote

Example of running note:

.................. (Mulyana and Sobur, 2005: 10)

.................. (Mulyana et al., 2003)

.................. (Sobur, 2005 in Mulyana, 2007)

-        Avoid using dot points, service, or numbering downward, like

1 ....................

2 ...................

However, use: 1) ................, 2) .................., or a).... ................., b)...................


-        Writing a list of references from books including, a name of the author (reversed), year of publication, a title of the book (italics / Italic), edition of the publication, city, publisher, example:

Sudibyo, Agus. 2001. Political Media and Discourse Fighting. Yogyakarta. LKiS.


-        Writing a reference list of journals/proceedings including, author's name (reversed), year of publication, publication title (Italic), name of journal/proceeding, volume and number and page


Imawan, Riswanda. 1999. A campaign without riots. Journal of Indonesian Communication Scholarship Association IV / October: 43-49.


-        Writing a reference list from the Thesis / Dissertation includes, the name of the researcher (reversed), year of publication, title (Italic), a name of thesis/dissertation work, city, and institution


Zuhar, Soesilo. 1993. Program Administration and Development Projects. Thesis. Poor. IKIP Malang.

-        Writing a reference list of articles on the internet, including the author's name (reversed), year, article title, last address found articles and internet access time example: Beckers, D. 2005. Research on Virtual Communities: an Empirical Approach.


6. Author

-        The author's name must be consistent in the form of spelling, no need to include a title

-        Responsible for the entire contents of the article

-        Include a Curriculum Vitae (CV)

-        List the address of the institution or personal address for correspondence (street, city, postal code, e-mail, telephone, and fax)

-        Sending articles that are following the provisions of the confinement style in this journal.


7. Editor

-        Having the right to edit the script without changing the content and thoughts of the author

-        The submitted text is not returned.