The Values of Local Wisdom in the Oral Tradition of Healing Spells for the People of Osing, Banyuwangi Regency: An Anthropolinguistic Study
anthropolinguistics, healing spells, lokal wisdom values, oral traditionsAbstract
The study of oral traditions needs to be encouraged as a form of effort to preserve local wisdom values. One oral tradition that has not been widely studied is the healing mantra of the Osing people. This research aims to describe the values of local wisdom in the oral tradition of healing mantras of the Osing people of Banyuwangi Regency from an anthropolinguistic perspective. The research method used is a qualitative research method with a Spradley ethnographic approach consisting five research steps. This research data collection is classified based on primary data. Primary data were obtained through interviews with native sources in Ngaliyan Village, Rogojampi District, Banyuwangi City. Data were collected using interview, listening, and speaking methods. The collected data were analyzed based on three main components: data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions or verification. This research found four forms of local wisdom values in the oral tradition of healing mantras of the Osing Community, which include: (1) the value of asking God for healing, (2) the value of asking God for an abundance of grace, (3) the value of abstaining from acting carelessly, and (4) the value of the benefits of plants and nature. These four local wisdom values are depicted through a series of excerpts from the healing mantras of the Osing Community, Banyuwangi Regency, which has a wealth of distinctive traditions. Local wisdom values such as national wealth need to be cared for, including the oral tradition of Osing's magical mantras. In the modern society, the existence of this oral tradition is increasingly fading and will gradually fade if it is not preserved.
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