Effect of Al-Qur’an Therapy on Anxiety Cancer Patients in Aisyiah Islamic Hospital Malang, Indonesia


  • Muhammad Rosyidul 'Ibad University of Muhammadiyah Malang
  • Ahmad Miftakul Napik University of Muhammadiyah Malang




Quran, Anxiety, Cancer


Cancer is a disease that many have a threat to the people with cancer, so that the patient will arise anxiety disorder if the threat factor is not overcome. Anxiety in cancer sufferers will be bad, such as difficulty to rest, disrupted cell regeneration process, decreased endurance, and decreased interest to continue treatment or therapy. Quran sound therapy is one of the anxiety disorders therapy that is easy and efficient, because of its ease of doing, minimal side effects, and economical. Method in this study is pre-expirimental, with independent variable is the sound therapy of Qur'an, while the dependent variable is the anxiety of cancer patients. The sampling technique used purposive sampling with 24 samples of cancer patients. The instrument used is the HARS scale (Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale). Data analysis using Wilcoxon Test. Results of the research before the action of majority cancer patients experienced moderate anxiety, whereas after the actions of majority cancer patients experienced mild anxiety. The result of the significance value is 0,000 which is greater than the value of α (0.05). Counclusion from this research is the Qur’an voice theraphy influence to reducing the anxiety of cancer patient’s


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