Hubungan Antara Stadium Menopause Dengan Perubahan Seksual Wanita Menopause Di Posyandu Lansia Srikandi Kelurahan Sumbersari Kota Malang


  • Yuyus Purwo Nugroho



Menopause, stadium of menopause, the alteration of sexuality.


Hubungan Antara Stadium Menopause Dengan Perubahan Seksual Wanita Menopause Di Posyandu Lansia Srikandi Kelurahan Sumbersari Kota Malang

Correlation between Stadium of Menopause with the Alteration of Menopause Women’ssexuality in Posyandu of Srikandi’s Elderly Sumbersari Malang

Yuyus Purwo Nugroho

Perawat Rumah Sakit Port Health Center (PHC)Jl. Prapat Kurung Selatan No. 1 Tanjung Perak Surabaya 60165Email :


Menopause memilki 4 stadium atau tahapan dalam perkembanganya, yaitu stadium premenopause, stadium perimenopause, stadium menopause dan stadium pasca menopause. Masing-masing stadium atau tahapan menopause memiliki suatu gejala atau perubahan-perubahan yang meliputi aspek fisiologis, psikologis dan seksualitas. Perubahan-perubahan seksual yang menyertai stadium menopause tersebut merupakan suatu permasalahan yang paling komplek kaitanya dengan tingkat kecemasan dan konsep diri seorang wanita serta keharmonisan dalam kehidupan rumah tangganya. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian non eksperimen dengan korelasional, yang mengkaji hubungan antara variabel dengan design penelitian menggunakan jenis penelitian cross sectional. Sampel dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 68 responden yang diambil dari 112 responden dengan metode purposive sampling.Analisa data yang digunakan adalah uji chi square. Ada pengaruh antara stadium menopause terhadap perubahan seksual wanita pada menopause. Diharapkan petugas kesehatan melaksanakan peranya sebagai educator dan counselor baik individu, keluarga, kelompok dan masyarakat mengenai masalah menopause dan seksualitas.

Kata Kunci: Menopause, stadium menopause, perubahan seksual 


Menopause has four stadium or phases in its developing that are premonopause stadium, perimenopause stadium, menopause and pasca menopause stadium. In each stadium or phases has the indications which are include of physiology aspect, psychology aspect and sexuality aspect. The alterations which are along with the stadium of menopause itself are the problems which have very complex connecting to the level of anxiety and a woman’s self concept. Those are also having a connection with the harmonist in their household living especially about the stadium or phases along with it. This research is a non experiment research with the correctional. Research design using cross sectional research. The total of sample in this research is about 68 respondents who have taken from 112 respondents with purposive sampling. Analysis of data which is used is Chi Square test. There is correlation between Stadium of Menopause with the Alteration of Menopause Women’s sexuality in Posyandu of Srikandi’s elderly Sumbersari Malang.There is correlation between the stadium of menopause with the alteration of menopause women’s sexuality in Srikandi’s Elderly Posyandu Sumbersari Malang.

Key words: Menopause, stadium of menopause, the alteration of sexuality.


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