About the Journal

Legality: Jurnal Ilmiah Hukum (LJIH) is a double-blind, peer-reviewed, open-access journal established by the Faculty of Law, University of Muhammadiyah Malang.

LJIH is a journal that aims to publish manuscripts of high-quality research as well as conceptual analysis that studies specific fields of law, such as Islamic law, customary/adat law, philosophy of law, fundamental law, legal theory, comparative law, and human rights issues in South East Asia. It has 1 volume with two issues per year (March and September).

LJIH accepted a submission from all over the world. All submitted articles shall be written in English (since 2020), have never been published elsewhere, are original, and are not under consideration for other publications. For checking Plagiarism, LJIH Editorial Board will screen plagiarism using Turnitin Program. If it is found that there is a plagiarism indication (above 15%), the editorial board will automatically reject the manuscript immediately.

LJIH was indexed in Scopus (Since March 3, 2023), Sinta 1 (Since 2023), Google Scholar, Moraref, and Garuda. LJIH is a member of LPPI, Forjakum, and ILJH. LJIH also agrees with The Translator to improve the language quality of the articles, both translating and proofreading.