Reinforcement of Religious Values during the Revolution Era of Society 5.0


  • Yuni Listianah MTs Muhammadiyah 1 Malang, Indonesia



society 5.0 era, religious values, revolution


Society 5.0 is a human-centered society order that is based on technology. This development affects human life and becomes a challenge for Islamic education teachers, especially in building students' character. Decreasing religious values are one of the impacts of the advancement of technology. Without parental guidance, advanced technology may be the cause of moral and religious degradation. Therefore, there is an urge for values reinforcement to protect people from the incoming era's negative impact. This study describes religious values and their reinforcement during the revolution era of society 5.0. This study was library research and it explored relevant data from books, literature, document, journals, articles, and information from printed and electronic media. Afterward, the data were collected, selected, and grouped for discussion and analysis. The data analysis of library research was in the form of content analysis. The study results show that the reinforcement of religious values is applicable and based on necessity. Religious values will remain upright through habituation, exemplary, rewarding, coaching, and punishment.


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