Moral Formation Through Internalization of Tawheed Value (Case Study at the Bahrul Lahut Ta'lim Council)


  • Agus Triyono Sunan Muria Islamic Boarding School, Indonesia



. This research aimed to describe the concept of moral formation through the internalization of tauhid values ​​and the implementation of internalization of tawheed values ​​at the Bahrul Lahut Ta'lim Council, Malang City. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study type at the Bahrul Lahut Ta'lim Council, Malang City. The techniques used in data collection are observation, interviews and documentation. The research subjects included the leaders of the Bahrul Lahut Ta'lim Council, ustadz, Islamic boarding school students and the community around Bahrul Lahut. The data analysis technique uses the interactive technique Miles, Huberman, and Saldana with stages of data condensation, data display and data interpretation. In this case, the researcher selected data, simplified, abstracted and changed field notes, interview transcripts, documents and other findings. After that, the researcher selected data that suits the research focus and presented it in narrative form and interpreted it. The research results show that the concept of moral formation through the internalization of tauhid values ​​in the Bahrul Lahut Ta'lim Council includes three things, namely understanding, deepening and appreciation. Meanwhile, the implementation of the internalization of tauhid values ​​at the Bahrul Lahut Ta'lim Council uses three stages, namely value transformation which is carried out by means of general recitation through the lecture method, value transactions which are carried out by means of discussions and questions and answers, and value trans-internalization which is carried out by doing mujahadah, riyadah using the firaq path and doing dhikr together using Zikr al-Gafilin or individual dhikr according to the instructions of the kyai.


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