Author's Guidelines

Author Guidelines 

Guidelines for Writing Manuscript Mathematics Education Journal
A. The manuscript was taken from the results of research in the field of mathematics education 

  1. Manuscripts written in Indonesian or English, typed in New Rowman Times size 12 as many as 2,500-4,000 words A-4 size paper with spacing 2, equipped with abstracts in English and Indonesian between 100-150 words, also included keywords and author's biodata (Name, Institution, and email address).
  2. Manuscripts written after the style published by the American Psycological Association Publication (APA-5th edition)
  3. Manuscripts of research results 
  • Title
  • Writer's name
  • Abstract in English or Indonesian (for texts that speak English)
  • Keywords
  • Introduction (background issues, library references, problems and research objectives)
  • Method
  • Result and Discuss
  • Conclusions and suggestions
  • Reference

B. Delivery of manuscripts as many as 1 (one) copy, sent by email to the chairman of the editor or
C. The next script will be review by the Reviewer team
D. Manuscripts that have already been completed will go through the plagiarism check process by the editor team
D. The selected manuscript will be sent to the author and published will be sent 2 published journal manuscripts.

E. Use Mendeley to cite the article

F. The tamplate for the article can be download HERE